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  • 25 subscribers

Dear all,

I lost the love of my life 18mths ago Purple heart My treasured Anne. Married 50yrs and so left  alone now with just my thoughts. As I reflect upon not just our life together but the 23ys before hand Ive come to this realisation. When we are all born non of us are prepared for what's to come in the future. We have nothing to fall back on as experience. We were never given a text book of life at birth. As such it shouldn't really come as any surprise there are those time in our existance that we look back on and feel guilt, ignorance, regrets, and sadness. If only we could turn back the  clock we say.  Yet there are  those wonderful times when we even surprise ourselves at our  love, compassion,  understanding, generously, charity,  and  for some -  self sacrifice. We are simply a bunch of unprepared people who have  - and still do -  wander through life like nomads not knowing who we really are at this present moment.  Perhaps you can take heart that billions of people before us  have trodden  this same Earth walk as we do now. And billions more after we are gone will tread the same path. All just scratching through life the best they can as we do now. We are simply human. Bless you all. And remember -   be kind to yourselves. x


  • FormerMember

    Hi Geoff,

    What very wise words. Really makes you think doesn't it? Life is so full of surprises some good and some not so good. Losing a partner is heartbreaking and nothing prepares you for it. We just have to take each day as it comes and be thankful for the time we had together.  Those times and memories are precious. I was so lucky to have 36 years with my husband and lost him two and a half months ago. Miss him terribly and have a long way to go yet. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you so much for those lovely words. I lost my husband 7 weeks ago and still very raw. He was just 52 and we had 23 years together. I miss him like crazy and want him back but I know that’s not possible. I am trying to forget the awful recent times as he got sick and remember and cherish the happy times before his diagnosis. Love lasts forever.

    One thing I will take from this for me personally is to not look too far ahead in life. The future can never be predicted and life is so precious and can be over in the blink of an eye. So right now I am facing each day as it arrives and although hard right now am trying to take a tiny bit of pleasure from small things, a walk with my dog, spending time with my daughter and our baby grandson, a sunny day. As my hubby doesn’t get to enjoy these things anymore I owe it to him to carry on and make the most of this life for both of us.

    I wish you well in your own journey with your personal loss. Your Anne would be so proud of you I’m sure x