Grief and Guilt.

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

My partner and soulmate passed away last October from terminal lung cancer in January 2020. The news was totally out the blue and we thought  it was a heart problem. The doctors were mystified why Lynn had this and previous tests failed to pick this up at the time. I felt such a range of emotions, plunging into denial for at least three months. We could not have immunotherapy as Lynn had 5 major abdominal surgeries in her past since she was 19 years of age and despite trying , suffered side affects.  I am bereft , lost and the grief is too much despite counselling and under the G.P as my mental state is not great at this moment.

I feel very lost with it all and really do not know how to cope. I am barely functioning at best despite support from a close friends. Lockdown has sadly made things worse.

I have read books on grief and bereavement  but these things only see too help in very short bursts.  Lynn battled on through. We maintained throughout the spring and summer when health allowed us and even enjoyed a full  and active sexual relationship. This i expect is not probably asked if at all. I yearn for Lynn, her touch, her hand, her body to hold and to lay with on the sofa or in bed.

I have guilty thoughts of us in our physical sexual side. I think of our past intimate times and being gentle in bed,  But i get very sexaully aroused now and i do not know what to do. Is it normal to think this way about us? I fantasise about our past lovemaking and i cannot bear looking or think of anyone else. I am questioning my ways and if its truly healthy i suppose  to feel this way.

I still,  of course think of our times whether being out or in her garden but these feelings are getting so strong and i want to  'relive'  myself but i feel ashamed and the guilt sets in. We were very open about sex and we spoke about many  things in life. Lynn was a poet, artist and writer. she had so much talent and inspired many in her life. She was also a Lay Reader in her past in the local church. I am so proud of her.

Her passing has shocked me to the core and i cry so much at times.

Everyone says it gets easier but i feel i am stuck in this horrid cycle of visons of her decline and our good moments. My mind is playing horrible tricks. I really do not know where to turn. I speak to my grief counselor but i am ashamed to even bring this up. But i do  not know. My mind feels like a washing machine.

Lynn was my absolute. I adored her and i feel so empty and days i just want to be with her.

  • What a truly honest post, you are very brave to express your deepest feelings. 
    You should not feel ashamed, you are human and you are missing the love and comfort that Lynn gave you.
    We all need physical contact, it is a basic human need.

    Your grief counsellor will not judge you and it will help your healing to be open and honest with them.

    Please keep posting as everyone here understands what you are going through and that in itself does help.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sausagedog1

    Thank you so much! I was so afraid to ask and be so open. Its been a real torture of the mind and body to be honest and upfront. I will ask my counsellor an dbite the bullet as they say. I hope others will give me some advice. I am in a dark place and somehow i must not give in. Lynn and i had the most amazing times together and i want to hand onto those memories and somehow let the bad ones fade. It is still very raw. I cannot describe it really but i think many do understand. My grief is not going to be a quick fix as some people seem to think. I have to hold my tongue at times as i get the same generic comments.  I just want to hold her tight but the cruel realisation  is so cutting. Thank you for your kind words. I will post as much as i can to find a sense of balance and peace and if i can, help others.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi GRN73,

    Thank you being brave enough to post this. I lost my husband on 10 December after almost a year long battle with stomach cancer. He was 52 and we had been together for 23 years. He was my world.

    My world has been shattered and right now I can’t see a way forward without him. We were devoted to one another and extremely affectionate. I actually had a dream last night of being very intimate with him and this morning I just can’t stop crying. The thought of never being able to be physically close with him again is almost too much to bear. When you love someone that deeply then of course missing the physical side of your relationship as well as the emotional side is natural. I just want to hold him and kiss him again and like you can’t ever imagine that with anyone else. He was all I ever wanted or needed, as was I to him.

    Thank you for making me realise I’m not alone in feeling this way x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I am so sorry for your tragic loss and the pain you are feeling. I know every loss is so different for many and personal too. I feel the same and despite talking to my counsellor about my loss its still so hard to open up.

    Maybe i need to be honest. I think of Lynn and our times, whether good or bad and look at our photos with bittersweet memories at this moment. People around me , even my counsellor really understands the love and bond i had with Lynn. I almost beg at night for her to come to me and hold me at night. Its incredibly  lonely at night time and wake sometimes thinking she is there beside me. I have very intimate images in my head and and i cry and long for those times. Even to hold her hand, put my arm around her waist, kiss her. All these things and more. I feel guilty if i dream or  think of our times and today especially  has been a very tearful day because  of it. I simply do not know what to do about. 

    I feel stuck in this vortex of missing and yearning. I feel for you so and i am glad i sort of helped in you in a way to say you are not alone.

    Lynn was and is the world to me and i do not know how i can carry on. I am just functioning at the moment and no matter what i do i am just bereft and brokenhearted.  

    Please take care of yourself and thank you for sharing.