• 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi it is 2 years today since my husband passed away I just don't know where time as gone, I don't post much now but I do visit this site every day and read all the post's, I can say it gets easier the pain is not as bad now and you do get on with life although looking back to the 1st year I didn't think it was possible, I'm still working full time and I think that as helped me through and with the help of my family, I don't know what this year will bring but now I feel I want  to move forward  and have some fun in my life, but at 61 not sure that will happen, but you never know.

Take care everyone. 


  • Hello Mary I like that you pop back in to the site 2 years later. You're proof by experience shows that things can get better in time. Today marks 39 weeks since Colin died and I still struggle every Sunday remembering his last hours. I visit the grave everday but come home to an empty house the long dark nights don't help! The boredom is doing my head in at times   I work part time, usually 8.30-2, 3 days a week, wander around the shops a bit (!!) and go to the cemetery 3ish for an hour or so. Roll on the lighter nights please!!

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi Mary I think our lost loved ones would hate to see us moping around for years after the event and although we may find that we wanted to share the future we sadly can't but we can have good and fulfilled lives with the joy we deserve...

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"