Feel flat

  • 18 replies
  • 26 subscribers

It is a year ago tomorrow since Ric died. It is strange, I don't feel the overwhelming sadness that I maybe should.

I am.partly relieved that he didn't have to endure covid, relieved that he died more suddenly than we thought and the suffering stopped and relieved that I am no longer tearing myself in two trying to care for him, my children, our homes and work. 

I went through the crying stage, keep busy stage, sort everything stage, missed him, anger and sadness but since I was able to scatter him and do all that, I have found peace and found myself. 

It wasn't often a bed of roses until he was diagnosed and accepted other illnesses. It was of course in the beginning. Is this why I feel so flat about it all? I feel sort of guilty but then I can't grieve and cry forever. I think about him at times but not all the time! 

Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hello Alison. 

    It was just over a year ago I lost my husband and on the day a year later I met with my daughter to spend some time with her beginning with a visit to the Cemetry. 

    I also felt the same as you and slightly guilty that I didn't feel the grief but good to know that I'm not alone in how I feel. 

    Let's hope things get better in 2021 and Take care xx

  • Thank you Sue. 

    I am glad that I am not alone because I feel a bit bad. But life does not stop for usxand I am not old and have things to look forward to and a future.

    Thank you for replying

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Alison and SueM52  I too recognise much of this. You aren’t alone. Past the extreme outward and visible  distress earlier then I expected but definitely flat, empty, a bit guilty ( especially when I lose myself in fantasy of meeting someone else)  and uncertain about how to go forward,...I don’t know what to focus on, old hobbies have lost their appeal,  and I feel lost and adrift .  Over the next month I will be v busy with work,but after that it’s a big scary void. I guess we just keep plodding on but it is hard to have no plans, because that to me is an important part of living a positive life with  hope. We all get told to take one day at a time , don’t we, and indeed, it is all we can do, but I can’t help wondering if I’m the only person who is  sick of the phrase. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Alison,

    I lost my partner 6 weeks ago and struggling through each day. I am being told that there is not right or wrong. Reading your message gives me hope that the pain I’m enduring now, may ease. I am sure Ric would want you to move forward and live your life. 

    Don’t be hard on yourself- I’m trying not to be and I think it’s helping. 

    E x 

  • Warm hugs Alison xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thank you everyone. Yes Ric tell me to move on. I know that is not wrong. Just thought I would be more sad. 

    Perhaps keeping busy worked for me. I am going to meet my friend later, also bereved, she feels the same so perhaps a good chat will help 

    Hope everyone got through christmas ok.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Feeling guilty for feeling better? We aren't bound to the past in such a way like a millstone round our necks.

    We don't have tomorrow, yesterday, last week all we have is now.

    As much as we can try to live in the now, the past will tug on the cords that bind us to it and hold us back.

    My suggestion is to treasure and value the past but look forward to a brighter future..

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Thank you Mccmcc. I know that really.

    I have moved forward and things are going well with Steve now. I have finally taken off my ring. 

    My children are coming round. These bloody lockdown makes it harder but we have got around it.

    I trust you are still happy. Always nice to hear from you 

    Take care

    Alison XXX

  • New year tomorrow...

    Both Lizzy and I have work, then it's tiling a bathroom for us both...such hedonists we are....

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • So brill that you and Lizzy are so good together.

    I have built up a good relationship now with Steve. It is working out well now.

    Happy new year to everyone xxx