Feel like throwing the towel in

  • 5 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi Everyone

Hope every one is doing the best they can in  this new  chapter of our lives.

Its been really hard the last few weeks, how much do you have to endure.

I went for my ct scan, so hold your breath time till the results are in.

The kitchen   taps i turned both on, omg neither would then turn off. emergence  plumber call out, empty every thing under the sink, think i have more than Tesco's

 I  needed something out of shed, so i had to unlock it then made sure i locked it back up.

It was dustman day put all bins out and the recyclable, came in where are the shed keys hunted hi and low , then realised i had thrown them out with the rubbish to late,

Dustmen had been. for god sake.

 Then week later washing machine broke, cleared out under the sink again that got fixed and again every thing had to go back, it is like one step forward and two steps back.

My sister takes me shopping one day a week, that is all i go out as very high risk,

Always a Friday and two days later she is Covid  Positive, yes have had to have a test which was today, so hold your breath again.

Oncologist phones and ct was good, sigh of relief, now hold breath waiting for the virus results, god when will it ever end.

Now in tier four,  my son was coming down from Lincoln but at moment he is in tier three so not aloud into four. i needed to see him, have only seen him four times since his dad passed.

At times  i wonder how i have got this far without breaking or going crazy, but that is not going to help any one let alone me,

I have been fighting since 2016  when i got my incurable diagnosis and then hubby got his, been a long hard journey for quiet a while,  his journey was not so long eight months to passing.

He was the one that kept me going, and now in one way he is keeping me going, i can hear him saying go on girl you can do this and while i breath i will.

Hope you  get threw the coming days the best you can, my thoughts will be with each and every one of us.

Take Care Ellie x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ellie, 

    My goodness you are amazing. I lost my husband 11 days ago after a 12 month battle. Heartbroken and currently trying to work my way through officialdom. Still waiting for coroner to confirm he’s happy with everything and stressing that I’m going to have to push funeral date back. 

    I cry a lot and can’t believe this is happening. But just when I am feeling sorry for myself I read your post and realise that some people have even more to deal with. 
    From what I have read all I can get from that is that you have managed to deal with so many problems in your home and have sorted them out and got through the other side. It may have been difficult (understatement) but you actually actually did it. Plus good news with the CT scan. You are inspiring.

    So I am going to try and be positive. I am healthy, get to spend Christmas with my beautiful stepdaughter, her husband and my amazing grandson and am still managing to get myself out of bed every day, get washed and dressed and actually have productive days. My husband may not be able to be with us in person but he’ll be in our hearts forever and we will try and enjoy Christmas for his sake.

    Keep going you are doing an amazing job at life x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Ellie what a time you’ve had with everything that’s gone on at home.  Check your draws in case there is a spare key for the shed, locks always come with at least two keys, sometimes three.  Alternatively, shed locks can sometimes be opened with a similar shaped key, try some random keys, you may strike lucky.   Once the door opens it might be easier fitting a padlock outside, which are cheap and easy to fit.

    One thing worth celebrating is your CT scan coming back good, that’s great news Ellie.

    Take care 

    Peter x

  • Thanks  Peter

    Good idea, BUT this is the second time i have lost the keys, so when and if my son comes down he will get in there and your right have already made my mind up, no more locks that needs keys, just a padlock.

    It is so hard at times oh how i wish he was here, did not realise how much he did, which i never ever took notice of, though  if the tables had been the other way he never did learn how to use the washing machine, 

    Every thing at the moment is getting me down, had so many things go wrong since he has not been here, when does it end.

    Yes was good news regarding my CT he would be so pleased for me. just wait now till the three months come round again then hold breath again.

    I was thinking today i wonder what he would make of the way things are regarding the virus, Brexit , lockdown and what ever else i going to get thrown at us.

    He was a HGV Driver loved it and he would be happy stuck at Dover, he used to travel abroad, went to Italy once for three -day trip, and 14 days later got home, no mobile phones then, his firm used to keep in touch with him and replay to me Those where the good old days as they say.

    Nearly Christmas still not sure if i am at my daughter or not, waiting for results of this Covid Test and she is waiting on hers.

    Other wise a micro wave meal for one i reckon and a bottle of wine LOL.

    You tke Care Ellie x

  • Ellie

    You are doing amazing and good news at the latest scan results.

    Wherever you end up spending Christmas I hope you can get to share the day with your family.. but if not keep positive  and enjoy that glass of wine as you deserve it xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hi Ellie,

    Whichever way you will have this lovely community so won’t be alone on Christmas Day, lots of people will be here including me for chats.

    I just wondered might be good to set up an online supermarket grocery account so you can get a weekly food shop delivered as a back up option in the current climate.  Given you are classed as vulnerable should get priority delivery slots. 
    Hope all the Covid tests came back okay.

    Take care.

    Peter x