Tearful in Tesco

  • 10 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Seeing couples busy buying Christmas food shopping triggered floods of tears, this is what Lynn and I loved to do.  Sorry, just a bit overwhelmed today.

  • It really hits home, you are not alone , i only have to say some thing about him and the tears appear, not every time , though it happens when one does not expect it.

    This is a hard time of the year, you will come threw the other side, been 14months for me now, i have put up two little tress that have the lights on them as he always sorted the light, but i cannot put them on, the house is not a happy place, i keep saying only a couple of days.

    You Take Care Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Thank you Ellie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hi Jebel,

    It has been 10 days for me so far and I’ve mostly hid myself away so I don’t have to see that. Food comes via an online delivery  and being in Tier 4 now for me makes it easier to be honest.

    I said this is another post but sometimes it isn’t always as it seems. A lot of those ‘happy couples’ may not be that happy at all, a lot probably have their own personal struggles that they are dealing with. A smile can hide a lot behind it. But like when you’re single at Valentines and it feels like everywhere you go there are happy couples in love, when in fact it’s often not like that at all.

    But I do get where you are coming from. This will be my first Christmas without the love of my life and best friend. I can’t say I’m excited about it but I’m going to do what I can to smile at least once. For the sake of my grandson and also if for no other reason than my gorgeous hubby loved Christmas and the build up to it. He doesn’t get to ever enjoy it again so I owe it to him to try and enjoy it and the rest of my life for the two of us.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I’m sure we’ll all have a good cry in the W day so embrace the tears, that’s what I say x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Bramblejoo,  Christmas is particularly hard for me since my wife also loved the festive season and would plan for it months in advance.  I like your sentiment about enjoying Christmas for our spouses/partners, that’s so true.   

    Lately I have been managing well, but today something tripped and I fell apart somehow my confidence is not what it used to be.   Take care. 
    Peter x

  • Jebel

    I think the whole country is feeling a general loss of confidence at the moment due to Covid. Add to that our personal loss of our loved  ones as we face the hurdle of Christmas and overwhelming floods of tears are inevitable.

    Take care of yourself and allow the memories of past Christmases comfort you. 

    Mym x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pooka

    We’re all allowed to fall apart, I’ve been laying on the sofa tonight crying my eyes out while wearing my hubby’s jumper. Then I shall probably go to bed and cry by myself. But tomorrow I’ll pick myself up again and carry on. My husband never gave up fighting his illness to the very end, so I can’t give up either x

  • I've spent the past few weeks wearing his big baggy zip up  jumper! Comforting .. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pooka

    The things we do x

  • I find Christmas hard at the best of times but it is a year ago since Ric died on the 28th and it would have been our 10thbwedding anniversary on the 23rd. The last if the firsts! 

    I had planned a busy Christmas with a number of changes but the government have put paid to that! I wonder how many others will struggle more because of this? I have a feeling it could be a long few days with too much thinking time! 

    Going to Tesco shortly. Will try it to think too deeply

    Love and hugs to all and try and have an ok Christmas

    Alison xxx