Reoccurring dream looking for my j

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  • 27 subscribers

First posting for me but wondered does anybody dream they cant find the person who they have lost ? Or they have gone off and left them and they are looking everywhere. I had this again and so distressing.  Much prefer dreams where my partner is close to me again but these seem rare like reality.

  • Hi I had a dream on my hubbys first anniversary ..we had gone back to the city that I grew up in (he was from a different place ) anyway I was in a old school friends house and talking to old friends then I went out into the street 

    I could not find my hubby anywhere and tried to phone him all the time then he said to me it's ok you will be fine on your owe  it really got to me that dream 

    But the strange thing is I thought I was doing ok but since his anniversary I have been really struggling miss him so very much .

    i get lots of dreams of him some are good and clear some really mixed up 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ww123

    It's so hard losing them especially when you have to be strong for a child (we have 3 and 6 grandchildren)  I hoped it will get easier but 8 months on it doesn't seem to be any different to the day I lost him

    ..... I'm sorry to hear you are struggling a year on and hope things get easier for you..maybe our dreams are helping us accept things ? Its such a cruel disease and doesn't care about the plans we all have to be together and not alone missing our best friends.

  • I think that dreams are part of the process. It's our brain trying to deal with everything that's happening.

    I've had a few dreams with my wife in it. And it's always super nice, until someone comes up in the dream and says something like sorry for your loss, or I realise she's a ghost, or we're waiting for the family to come, but it's her funeral. There is always someone to ruin the good time I'm having! (but I still cherish the first parts of those dreams!)

  • I am not usually a dreamer and when I do dream I seem to forget it really quickly- not today. I can't remember the beginning but I was hugging Colin and kissed his neck twice and when kissing his lips I woke up Heart eyesmy heart was so happy HeartSparkling heart I have written it dowm with the date and put it in our jar of memories.  I don't know when I'll be able to read through this years jar because it's been so crap Poop, last years memories are still in an evelope to read- 2019 wasn't very good to us either!!

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Ahh - pleased for you having a virtual snog - Nice

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Devin

    I agree it's hard not to want to sleep all the time just incase we get to see them again and it's a good dream with lots of missed cuddles ...seem to have people pop up in mine too ..usually a drama lol

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    That's so nice and what a lovely idea x might pinch it x it's hard to keep trying when sad memories always pop to mind I try to remind myself of the good ones as much as I can and maybe I could just put good ones in the jar x

  • yes I love the idea of a jar of memories - I get frightened I will forget, so that would be a way of popping them down for something to dip into. I spend a lot of time sleeping or not sleeping but just in bed and having dreams where they are in is reassuring even if the dream is really weird - and some of them are very strange. 

  • Hi Christina - I go to bed and pray I will dream about my man but rarely do and except for one fabulous dream he is always leaving and I'm trying to find him, or, even worse, he's with someone else which distresses me.  He was truly faithful to me and loved me as madly as I loved him, so why this dream???  I've not been able to share this with anyone, so thank you for your post.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to GrannySmith123

    I can relate to this had almost a week of dreams looking for him and losing him 

    Maybe it is a way of processing the reality

    Hopefully things will get easier for us all xx