I miss my wife

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers


First time on here and not quite sure if this is the correct place for me, hopefully somebody will let me know. 

I am in remission after having mantle cell lymphoma,  my treatment was Nordic protocol which is 6 lots of chemotherapy then BEAM and stem cell treatment. 

I am 56 , my beautiful 44 year old wife died between 5th and  6th lot of chemotherapy. She had a brain aneurysm and died 10 days later.

So here I am recently started back on a phased return to work after 15 months off. I have a 13 year old son and 2 cats.

I am struggling emotionally after starting work as me and my wife both worked at the same company for 20 years. I'm not sure how I'm going to cope

Its coming up to a year since we lost our world , I miss my best friend and how positive she always was , like I said,  I don't know how I'm going to manage without her.

GB Dave x 

  • Hi Dave

    Life can kick you in the tender areas time after time.

    Here you'll find a good bunch of people, all of whom I consider friends. We support each other and although we are all at different parts of the road but the journey and destination is the same.

    We are the ones who know what this journey is like and we understand how this process goes eityh it ups and down and cliff edges someday!

    I won't welcome you as it's a shame to be member here....

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Hi Dave

    Sorry you have had to join this group, but you are welcome.

    How do you cope, that is the question and i wish i had the answer.

    As a lot here it is one foot in front of the other, and one day at a time, that is all i could do take one day and then you move slowly forward.

    It is a hard journey we are all on, it will be a year for me this Thursday and at the start i never thought i would be this far down the road i can honestly say i do not know how i done it.

    My Husband was my Rock and my  strength  and held me up when i crumbled, as i got diagnosed with cancer and coming up to end of treatments  he got diagnosed and only lasted eight months.

    So for us both a double blow.

    I know he would want me to carry on and do the best i can how ever hard it may be.

    You will get a lot of support from the group, every one truly understands how one fills when they lose the other half of them selves.

    I would not have got this far with out them at times.

    You have a son and do not forget the cat and she would want you to carry on.

    I do talk to hubby when i do something i have never done before like painting the garden fence, and say hope your proud of me, and i am sure he is.

    Take Care Ellie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    I still speak to Sharon x 

  • You are still going through treatment and the loss of Sharon, she was your strength when she was here and she is still your strength, she is all around you with your memories

    Its hard at times, but we do adjust over time, to a different way of life, but they are always included what ever that might be.

    Use this group and you will realise you are not alone, and only some one that has been threw can truly understand how we fill at times, and the different emotions that occur.

    Take Care Ellie