After Life, and other grieving related pieces of fiction

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Has anyone watched After Life by Rickie Gervais on Netflix? The first time I heard about it was when Juliette was already diagnosed so I didn't really like the idea of watching a show about a man surviving his wife who dies from breast cancer.

Now I'm thinking that he could be either a really good idea and or a really bad one. 

I took the girls to the cinema to see Onward a few weeks ago. The story is about two teenage boys going on a quest to spend a day with their father that they've lost 16 years earlier. I wasn't sure that it was a good idea, but it ended up being quite good because we could actually relate to part of the story (not the part about being elves) and even if it was emotional it felt right, better than if we'd watched a film with a super happy family I supposed.

I've got this graphic novel called In Waves, that Juliette gave me for my birthday in April, about a man surviving his wife and his life after she dies of cancer. She bought it because it was on a reading list of the New Yorker's website she said, but I suspect that she knew what it was about and was trying to prepare me. I've refused to read it at first because I didn't want to think about losing her and what would be my life without her. Now I'm thinking that I should read it probably.

What do you think?

  • Do what you feel comfortable with, only you know when the time is right. I have never watched Ricky Gervais be side he irritates the **** out of me! 

    I did watch an interesting programme this week which I think was ITV about funeral rip offs! It was quite interesting and I don't think I was ripped off. A couple of months back I couldn't have watched that! 

    Going to watch the walking dead this week too, struggled with the last season as it was our program and frankly when I found Ric that is what he looked like! But my good friend, also berevead about the same time used to watch it too with her husband so we are going to do it together. 

    Always go by your gut feeling and heart xxx