Where is everyone gone

  • 9 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi just wondering if anyone else is not seeing any new post or updates in the group ..when I log in it shows last update is 4days ago ..really missing all the chats 

  • I think it is purely the difficulty in using the site! It is not too user friendly if you can eventually sign in, you are lucky to be able to read the print!!! 

    It is a shame as I feel I have some good friends here


  • It has been exceptionally quiet on here lately!! I have really missed the chit-chats and as you say the last updated conversation was 4 days ago!!! It is still a chew getting onto the site, I get on through FB, click on the website, log in, go to community, get to this page then have to log in again (with another pw) to reply!!! Before I had a shortcut on my phone - don't remember how I got that!!!

    Tomorrow is another day
  • LOL!! sent before I finished- 

    Alison I have made my writing font large by going into format (in the row under this box) 

    I am getting a call from a counsellor on Thursday afternoon. He rang and introduced himself (from the local hospice) so we'll see what comes of that. He suggested zoom calls if I want to join in with a group other ladies. I'll have to get one of Colin's lads to set that up for me.

    Tomorrow marks 6 months since Colin died Cry  I have been to the cemetery everyday and now the nights are getting so dark I don't stay later than 6.30/7pm unless there's someone with me. It can make the evenings so long. especially if I'm not at work the next day I end up staying up late then falling asleep on the couch till 1 or 2 in the morning!!

    Have a nice weekend, looks like it's going to rainCloud rain both days xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi 

    I will have a fiddle about Bootsy but using my mobile so maybe not there! But your post is easier to read. 

    Yes it is hissing down here, plans scuppered!!! Going out tonight on a gin tasting session!!! Will have to be careful! But daytime will be laundry and catch up


  • Ooohhh CocktailGin tasting Tropical drinkI have a taste fir Gordon's pink or peach gin and Whitleys cherry flavour Heart eyes

    You're right about the mobile thing, the other options aren't under the writng space on the phone site if that makes sense!! 

    Have a good night tonight x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thanks girls for answering I know it's a pain to get on site ..think a few folk are haveing problems with it as a few that where on all the time not hear anymore e.g. Geff999 or mybe they have just left .

    Like you both is pouring hear tonight and dark so early makes it a long night tried watching Netflix but could not find a good film lol 

    Enjoy your gin night I enjoy a pink gin lol ... I hope you get through tomorrow BootsD it's so hard and seems to get harder at times but I am sure we will get there .

    i lost my hubby just over year ago thought I was doing ok keeping busy ect but about 2 weeks ago it really hit me but trying to get on with things .anyware hope the rain goes off soon and we can get out in garden tomorrow .x

  • Hi - Am here - did post on the animals are family too group - my dogs have been my saviours- the bed is now really one giant dog bed - sorry for those that might find this a bit ugggg.  But as it gets dark earlier they are standing at the foot of the stairs earlier and earlier looking at me, getting half way up, stopping, looking and basically waiting for me to come up too. 

    Then the smaller one likes to take up an enormous amount of room (he's tiny) - about the bottom quarter of my side - before he gets in a cuddles up behind my knees or back. He kicks me back if I move about too much.  The fluffier one starts off on my partners side, on his back head on the pillow till I am in bed, then he goes into his own dog bed till about two then up on the bed on my partners side.  So I basically have a small quarter of the bed and have competition for my snoring.  I love it and can go to sleep feeling both of them beside me.

    They are too simple to have any real empathy or feelings about my partner dying, and not being here - just more room for them to get near me and gaze, and stare, and gaze and stare - biscuit, walk, squirrel, food, bed - simple creatures but so comforting. 

    The days and nights seem to be dragging on a bit - I am seeing friends here and there but limiting company where friends are too moany or negative or are too pushy and ask annoying questions.

    WW123 I am aware it is so soon for you and wonder how you are doing in the turbulence and shock of it all.   - I dont think I can remember much from the first few weeks - I do remember there was so much paperwork and organising to do and people to tell - It was exhausting going over and over things.  

    I am taking on the challenge of Prison Break on Netffix  - been on for a while but new to me - 5 series.  I am on series one and there are 22 episodes - but keep falling asleep or being called up to bed early by the dogs. Up since 5 so will get a couple of episodes in before sun ? up. 

  • Thanks for asking after me ..think I am doing okish very up and down but hopefully more good days now .i have a son just turned 18 worry so much about him ..not seen or heard from is pals in few weeks they all like going to pubs but my son is more into his car does not go out much hope he can make some new friends but it's hard ..love the stories about your dogs they will keep you going lol 

    we got a wee dog about 6weeks ago and brings so much joy.  Lol 

  • There are plenty of people reading the posts - need more readers to be writers!!!


    Tomorrow is another day