Fiancee passed away last year

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  • 25 subscribers

Hi. This is my first post to be honest and I feel it's something I really need to do.

Just for a bit of background, I first met my fiancee when we were probably 8 or 9 and we went out for a while but then separated as all kids do. Fast forward to 3 years ago and she contacted me on Facebook and wanted to meet up again. It was great to see her and we quickly became an item again. 

I'm now 51 and she would have been 50 last month so had been a very long time hehe.

Things had been going great, loving being together, going camping, fishing together (a new hobby for both of us) and doing all sorts together.

She had been diagnosed with MS when she was in her twenties and also had breast cancer which she managed to beat. Over the last year or so she had been struggling to walk a bit so everyone (including the doctors) just put it down to her MS.

Long story short she had a fall while on a camping holiday last September so we went to the hospital for a checkup. They did some x-rays and found that her skeleton was riddled with cancer.

We cancelled our holiday and came straight home to start the hospital appointments etc. Which was very traumatic to be honest.

Things went downhill really quickly, with her spending most of the next 2 months virtually permanently staying in hospital.

Unfortunately she lost her battle and passed away on the 26th November last year, passing away very peacefully with myself and her life-long best friend at her bedside.

I miss her so much but in a way I'm so relieved it happened so fast so she didn't have to go through all the Covid-19 situation as I'm certain she would have caught it and suffered terribly. 

Being a 51 year old ex soldier I've just tried to put a brave face on everything but to be totally honest I really think I should have asked for some help a long time ago. I regularly just break down in tears when I'm by myself. At times it feels like I'm on the verge of being depressed but just think I've got to try to ignore it and carry on.

As everything happened so fast we didn't really get any chance to get involved with Macmillan or any other support groups (if there is any others) and to be honest I'm finding it really tough quite a lot of the time.

I'm sorry for the long post but just think I need to get it off my chest and I'm really hoping it'll help me get my head around things.

  • Hello you have come to the right place sometimes just sharing pur thoughts and fears is a big step forward .You have had a rough time of it and to your credit you seemed to have coped really well .If you feel you need more support then seeking that is an important  step forward .There are many organisations out there the Macmillan helpline ,Cruse and as you mentioned you are ex forces SSAFA is also another avenue to go down .We are here for you we talk about everything and support each other to people who really understand .Keep posting and take care x

    Granny Sue

  • I am so sorry for your loss. And I am glad you've come to this group where we all understand because we have gone through a similar loss amd

    nd we all understand and are here to listen.

    We are all grieving in our own way and grief is not linear; so I think it is normal to cry, sometimes more and sometimes less. I, for example, didn't cry at all for the first couple of weeks and then couldn't stop crying for weeks and now I okay Asian Lee find myself in tears but certainly not as much and I lost my husband A little over two years ago. Just be gentle and kind with your grief journey. After all, it isn't long ago that she passed away.

    it is so very sad because it was so early in your life together and you should have had a lot more time. It was the same for my husband and me in the sense that we met when he was 59 and I was only 27, we had eight years together, got married only in 2015 and found our own home in 2016, and then his health started to decline and from then on words our journey was dictated by cancer. It is so sad when we have only a little time together. But, like you, I think that it is great that it happened fast for her and that she didn't have to suffer through the current situation particularly when you say that you think she may have caught the virus.

    if you feel you need more support then this forum, please reach out and get help. There is help out there from Macmillan or other counsellors or therapists. Sometimes talking is simply what helps. and please come on here and share as often as you like.

    warm wishes from Melanie

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • My wife passed over a year ago I feel sad every day cry a lot but I think it's a way of releasing your pent up pressure I miss her all the time as she went very fast with cancer in all her bones also I think if it happens so suddenly we must take longer to come to terms with it here is a good place to have a rant and get it off your chest 

  • Hi

    My husband died 8 months ago. He was an ex services man. He also had PTSD. We found the RBL really helpful when he was diagnosed and they offered me help afterwards as well as practically before he died.

    His regimental friends have also been a good support. I was never married to him as a serviceman but they still all help. 

    Alison xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I lost my wonderful husband just 6 weeks ago & the lovely people on here have been very helpful & kind. 

    I am not coping at all, spend most days in tears. I’ve now started phone counselling with Cruse. If you ring their helpline they are really lovely to talk things over with & will give you options of help they can offer. I also have a weekly phone call from a lovely supportive Marie Curie nurse, we had their nurses come for the last 4 nights of my husbands journey. They truly were angels at a horrendous time. 

    I hope you find something to help you & send a virtual hug. X