A feeling your loved one is close by

  • 18 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hello, i joined this group last week after sadly losing my wonderful husband of 45 years, i cant  begin to say how much i miss him the emptiness is dreadful,  i have found this group a great comfort and being able to message others going through the same torture as inam. I hope this doesn't sound strange but has anyone felt there loved ones presence in any way  or has some sign from them.i  had a strong feeling this morning that my husband was in the room, maybe wishful thinking. 

  • Dear Kernowp

    Signs are different for all of us. The few things you couldn't find but turned up in unexpected places say to me they are your personal signs from your dear husband.

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hello Dutsie,  

    Thank you for your reply,  its so nice hearing your experiences,  i do truly believe we have a spirit that lives on, i hopei too have more feelings of my husband's closeness its very comforting. Its still very early days for me , reading your post has given me hope that in time I'll be able to smile again, even though i have my faith and know one day i will see my lovely husband again it doesn't make this pain and emptiness any better. Take care. Xx

  • Hi bluebell and all, my experiences are few bad when it happens it is beautiful. The first experience happened a couple of weeks after my husbands death when I woke up in the morning and could have sworn he was lying beside me and I stretched out my hand to touch his hair and sends to him so strongly that I was actually surprised when I couldn't feel him. And then what often happens is that cats, who my husband used to love, and Robins are nearby. And over the last couple of weeks, I have often smell his aftershave, the one he had when we first met, and there is definitely none of this around me here. I do think as well that our spirit lives on and that from time to time we make a very strong contact. Love and hugs to everyone!

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Melanie,  thank you for your reply,  yes it is beautiful when it happens,  ive only had it happen twice as yet but its a very strong  sense of presence,  and it is comforting,  i do hope my lovely husband is watching over  e as the loneliness and emptiness is dreadful,  its still very raw for , i hope time brings some peace.  Take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Bluebell53

    Hello Bluebell I hope what happened to me helps you. Just six months after my Ron passed I was encouraged to go to Austria with a girlfriend, it was one of Ron"s and I favourite places. I went but was dreading it because he wasn"t with me. My friend and I were sitting having our lunch half way up a mountain and this butterfly landed on my head and then flew down onto one of my fingers and stayed there for quite a while. It really comforted me as if he was saying enjoy your holiday as we loved Austria so much. My two girls loved the story I even have a photo of the butterfly on my finger. Hope this helps you. love Carol xxxxxx

  • Hi Carol, thank you for sharing your beautiful experience with me, yes it has given me comfort,  i truly believe there is more than this life on earth but it doesn't make the  emptiness or sadness any less, hopefully one day things will improve some. Take care xxx

  • Hi you might think this is mad ..my son always want a dog well a few weeks ago I said ok ..we looked and found a wee dog he is lovely he was a rehomei 

    We went to visit the dog on the way I said to my son he is for your birthday which is on 9 sept he will be 18 .Also  a big thing his Dad and him saw Star Wars they watched films over and over again anything to do with star wars they where there 

    Anyway when we saw the dog asked his name he wars called Chewy I thought that ment he chewed everything as only 15 weeks old no they said it was from star wars Name after the one of the cartons in the film and he just looks like him lol could not believe it 


    Also we got him on the 9th Aug and the number nine has a massive part in our life's met hubby on the 9th son born on the 9/9 hubby past the day after sons birthday last year so on the 9th month 

    I really do believe my hubby sent us to find Chewy and it is a  18th birthday present to our son 

    it's all so strange and been finding loads of white feathers .think he is looking after us 

  • Hi Ww123, thank you for sharing your experience,  yes i truly believe there is more to life than what we have here and im sure our loved onrs are watching over us in some way, take care.