Hi Everyone

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  • 25 subscribers

I know geoff and Darkhorse have posted poems , mine is a verse that comes to mind when i have down mediation, here goes

I give you signs if only you but knew its me that is doing all these silly tricks to.

I flicker the lights that annoy you so much.

I am that breath of fresh air if only we could touch.

The wind that is whistling is me talking to you, the raindrops could be my tears to.

Sunshine is the love in our hearts, snow flutters are rare its the pain because we had to part.

Cold shivers that go down your spine is special thoughts of me,

The laughter thats in your heart is how it used to be.

When there is a thunder storm and things are realy bad, look for the bird that sings and that will make you glad, for life is still worth living, even though i am not there, because believe me my love, i am everywhere.

I do believe that there must be more after we pass, though not every one does.

We all have our own believes , so for me i do look at things from a different angle and get comfort from that.

Hope you have all got threw the day as best you can.

Take Care Ellie xx

  • Hi Kath,

    I totally agree with you that it helps to look from a different angle. Thank you for sharing. What we all have gone through, to put it succinctly, a traumatic experience.

    As you know earlier this week I had a moment. And yes, I did raise a glass to my husband!

    Overall, I find my practise of yoga helps me to stay in the.moment. Be grateful for what once was and what is now. Even in the depth of sadness there is beauty around us. We just need look for it and at times, it may appear to be harder to find/feel/see, but it is all around us.  I too am comforted by this way of thinking...

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie Xx


  • Yes I totally agree with that.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.