I'm at a loss at what to say thats helpful anymore

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Dear all,

I read all your posts and everyone resonates in one way or another with my personal grief. Very shortly it will be one year since I lost the love of my life. My Anne. Married 50yrs.Yet when I see the hardships that so many of you good people are going through it breaks my heart. From  my perspective, young men and women left to continue with jobs as best they can to support  themselves and in other cases including caring and supporting their  children through this horrendous time. I applaude every single one of you. What hero's you all are because of your strength and resolve to continue to survive against all the odds. For myself as an old bugger aged 74 I only have myself to cater for. OK.  Great  loving support from our two offspring in ways that are undescribable in their empathy. But the fact is  when they leave I'm still living in a house that no longer has any life. The heart and soul of this house  disappeared when my sweetheart passed over. And there have been dark moments when I'd planned to take my own life. But do you know why I couldnt carry that through? Because of the unconditional love Anne and I gave our to our two kids,  and now they are both  giving it to me back alone  in my darkest hour. I'm so humbled. On a brighter note. Grief does get a wee bit easier to bare as time goes on. We all do get stronger. Yet the empty space in our hearts that can never be filled in its own unfathomable way supports us as we walk on. How strange is that? 

Love and Light 

Geoff x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Geoff It was so lovely to read your encouraging words to us all. As we all say grief doesn"t get any easier but we learn to live with it whether we like it or not. Ron and I were just like you and Anne married 50 years and I am eternally grateful to have that amount of time with her. Today as you know Fathers Day and I expect your lovely family will celebrate with you as a loving father. I am spending time with all of the family and I am doing a quiz all about their Dad Ron I can hear him laughing now at the different questions I will ask. But all the time we are talking about he will always be remembered by everyone. Love him so much and miss him horribly. Love and hugs to you Geoff. xxx  Carol xxxx

  • Hi Carol x 

    Thanks so much for your reply to my post. I don't post very much these days;  only when I feel inspired.  Take good care of yourself ((( Hugs))) in return. xxx

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.