Bad day and bad days.

  • 5 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Its one of those days. I miss my husband so much. He died 3 years ago. On the 1st of May 2017 to be precise. I remember the day as if was yesterday.

I haven't been on this site for awhile now as I feel there are people who need it more. Especially those who have only just started this journey, but it saved my life and the people who became my friends through grief helped me so much. 

I am just having a really bad day. I guess I'm feeling sorry for myself. I just want to talk to my Raymond and hold him tight again. 

I send all you a Big Hug as in these troubled times,  we all need them 

Elaine. X00x

  • Hello Elaine, I'm sitting at my husband Colins graveside and missing him like crazy after losing him to this dreaded disease 10 weeks ago tomorrow. The bad days seem to keep popping up even after your 3 year loss, it means you remember him always. When I leave the cemetery I tell Colin 'I miss you Honey, I love you and I want you back' 2 out of 3 'aint bad as the song goes !!

    I like this site because there's lots of people at different stages of grief here, we can all help each other. 

    Stay safe x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD

    Hello BootsyD.

    Thankyou for message. I wasn't expecting a reply.

    I'm so sorry for  your loss. I promise you the days do get better. It's just.nice to have someone to turn to when the bad days come that understands.

    Take care. X

  • Hi Elaine

    Carla my partner died six weeks ago and I feel I'm living in some kind of waking nightmare, punctuated by periods of lucidity and bemused wakefulness.

    I find I'm doing weird stuff as well (Carla might suggest that is nothing new) I think you can give yourself a bad day now and then.

    As Carla's ashes will be placed in the family grave here in Italy, we had to get a plaque for it, we didn't want anything fancy so for the inscription we put 

    "L'amore vive per sempre"  (Love lives forever)

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Hello Elaine,

    It does get better but the pain is always lurking somewhere. The fact that we miss them so means they were amazing people, at least for us, and, in a way, it's a tribute to their lives. Don't know if what I'm saying makes sense. My husband died Dec 20 2018 and even now I have moments when I'm in utter shock at what happened and still don't get it. He was supposed to live forever!

    Sending you hugs.

  • Elaine,  I heard deep love and attachment for your Raymond. I wonder if some things will never stop hurting and being vivid. So hello and a supportive smile and a virtual hug from a new bereaver and appreciation that you are still linked in to this site, which gives me hope and knowing that the support can be there for as long as needed and can be tapped into.