Losing my partner

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  • 27 subscribers

Hi there 

I lost my lovely lady only 3 weeks ago very suddenly,her cancer was diagnosed in her colon in March after going through breast cancer last year.She was supposed to start treatment then within a couple of days she deteriorated when her cancer spread to her liver and there was nothing that could be done.Im absolutely devastated and finding every day so tough,would welcome any thoughts from anyone else going through similar grief 

  • Hello lost my dear husband on 25th May after 4 year battle with cancer .We had his funeral yesterday only 9 people its been really hard because of lockdown nursed him at home as he wanted.Staying with my amazing daughter and family till next month .It would have been our 40 wedding anniversary on 28th of June and his 63 rd birthday on the 29th of June .You know the thing I miss is his voice calling me Darling in his soft Scots accent .Its the small things that get you isnt it .You take care it will be tough but somehow you keep going .People we love never leave us Billy is here in my children grandsons and my heart .

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Granny Sue

    Hi Ayers and Granny Sue

    I am sorry you have had to join this group, but you will find a lot of support here, and every one knows what you are going threw, until someone  is in this situation, they truly have no idea.

    Its real early days for you both, its eights months tomorrow for me,never thought i would get this far without him.

    Grieve comes in so many different ways, and sometimes we wonder where this emotion has come from.

    I have been sad, angry, cursed him at times, laughed at thinks he done, moaned for all the hard work he left me to sort out, so many

    that rear their ugly heads.

    And sometimes fill like you have lost the plot, but we get threw it, one day at a time, seem's to be the best way forward, take it very slowly, and you will start to get there we have to for them.

    Others will pop up every one here is so helpful and will support you when every they can.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • My heart goes out to you. My husband died 7 months ago but seems like yesterday. The first 6 weeks were unbearable pain. I thought I would never stop crying and that the stabbing grief that doubled me up and took my breath away would blissfully send me to join him. But here I am. Hurting but surviving. I read recently that all you can do is say goodbye move on and hope for better days. I could rant and rave about being cheated losing my future being nothing without him. But still here I am. One day at a time. One step along the way. There are no words of comfort because we all have to manage our own pain and despair. When you are at your lowest and you can’t find a single thing that would make life worth living come onto this site read the posts and take comfort in knowing you are not alone. We are all here for you until you find your better days. 

  • Thank you Ellie for your kind words its little acts of kindness that get you through .Dont know how I will go on but I know its a process that we have to keep going through. I think its the waves of grief that take you by surprise its hard not to be overwhelmed by them.I will keep.posting and hope further down the line I may be able to support others too .Lots of hugs x

    Granny Sue

  • Thank you for your kind words its comforting to know you are not alone and although everyones journey is not the same we have so much in commont hat we can comfort each other .Big hugs x

    Granny Sue

  • Hi there, firstly I would like to say how sorry I am for your loss. And of course I do understand how devastating this is. The best thing is to take one day at a time. Don't plan for the future. Just get through one day at a time and, over time, the pain Will is little by little, even though, at least for me, it is never really gone. Mind yourself: try to get as much rest as you can, try to get enough but not too much sleep, get out for a little walk every day just to see something different. And remember as well to eat and drink which can be quite difficult at times.

    Love Mel

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Ayers

    I lost my girl early May this year again in not dissimilar circumstances to you, seven weeks in it's better but I really can't see it will ever be 'normal' again. Five weeks seemed to be the turning point for me  but I forced myself back to work after only a week (part time language teaching on Zoom!) and having something I had to do was a way of focusing myself onto a task.

    Nothing will bring Carla back and now I feel as if I have to not let her down by not falling to bits...

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • GrannySue - such difficult dates on the horizon for you - holding you in my thoughts and a gentle hand hold sent your way

  • Thank  you lovely lady how very kind .The children presented me with a silver chain with a small ruby in it on Sunday as my son could have lunch with us as part of our bubble.Lindsay said her Dad had been fretting about getting me a present for our ruby wedding and she was going to take him out to buy one but he became too unwell .I had bought him a special gift he was ex Air Force and you could pay to have someones name inscibed under the wing of the Restored Vulcan bomber  .The certificate came a couple of days before he went onto the syringe driver so I showed him it he was so pleased .Funnily enough the plane flew for the first time in, 60 years on the 25th May the day he died .I kind of think he hitched a ride on it .Hope you are ok I will be alright will try to remember happy stuff on those two days going back home on the first got to be really brave and start the next part of my life .Lots of hugs and  bless you for thinking of me x

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear about your tragic loss. I went through something similar in that my husband had gone through lung cancer in 2018. Returned in his tongue and he died March 21. I never thought it would return and take his life so quickly. I find things have got better for me from the 10 week mark but some days still hits me. I get a lot of help coming here knowing I'm not the only one and some of the comments others make help me lots. Take care x