Am I being grumpy?

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Is it just me being grumpy or are others fed up with certain people from other areas, saying don't come to our beaches and country side. You will give us Corona, you are not welcome!!! It is a public place!!!

I have got to the stage where I need to get out, grieving has been hard and going to a few of our favourite places help. It makes me feel closer to Ric.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I am not big on birthdays but Ric was and always bought me a nice treat. I haven't said anything but it will be hard with out him for the first time. I want to go out for the day, no where special but out! Just think it will ease the pain a bit. But we are made to feel guilty. I am.going for a picnic in the evening in dad's garden, our first meet up in 11 weeks. I have really missed seeing him.

I just feel like screaming at these selfish individuals who tell us to stay away!! Ric loved the beach, sun and water! 

I was going to scatter him in Dorset but at the moment I am too scared to go because I feel uncomfortable about media coverage there! 

I have had a lovely bit of news today, an old work friend caught the virus and was on ITU being ventilated for the last week. He has been really kind and good to me in past times and we worked together a few years, he has been taken off his ventilator and is doing well. Thank goodness. 

Take care all

Love and hugs Alison xxx

    1. Hi Alison. I don't think you are being grumpy at all. I feel exactly the same. What makes me laugh is the very same people who have such righteous views are the ones that food shop almost everyday. Apparently they feel that is fine and poses no risks. If they were so concerned about  not spreading the virus surely they could shop for a week, a fortnight even. I hope you are able to spend your birthday in a place that helps you feel closer to Ric and eases the pain a bit. I think you deserve that at least xx
    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember

    Hi Alison, 

    hope you find a nice place to have your birthday,and lovely news that your friend had come off a ventilator, and you are not grumpy. Take care 

    love Mandy


  • Alison  have the best birthday you can today it's another hurdle over for you- one we are going to have to jump at sometime in our first year, I will have to jump it in October for Colins birthday !! There's fathers day first but that'll be for his lads to jump! 

    Have a nice day and lovely time with your dad xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember

    Hey Alison And a HAPPY Birthday Birthday TO THE BIRTHDAY GIRL hope yOu have a good day . Always in our hearts.x

  • Thank you everyone, I had a quiet birthday, some lovely presents from my children and Hannah made me a surprise birthday cake.

    I saw my dad for the first time in weeks and we had a picnic in his garden. 

    But it was empty without Ric, no matter how I tried. No tears though, that would upset him.

    I have hunted high and low today for his army history. I was going to scatter him on the trooping of the colour day as he rode in the silver jubilee as was very proud..but I have been put to work the whole weekend!! We are only allowed to request birthdays off and it is my son's 21st later this month. 

    So I am going to say I need 13 August off when he signed up! It is becoming a long wait but I want the right date to mean something

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi Alison,

    I'm glad you had a good birthday, it was my birthday yesterday too. The grief hit me like a brick when I woke and saw Mark's photo next to me. He always made such a fuss of me, breakfast in bed, loads of pressies. We were always on holiday too at our caravan in South Wales so I could have lunch with my dad, so it has been a strange one in many ways! I haven't seen my Dad since Mark's funeral in December and I really miss him. 

    My daughter set her alarm to make me a cuppa and my son set his alarm to give me a kiss and hug (very rare). Then he went back to bed LOL. My daughter took me to Cleethorpes for the day, we walked along the seafront and around the boating lake then had fish and chips on the beach. It was a lovely day but felt so empty without Mark and I did have a few tears when I went to bed.

    Like you I worried about going as they were asking people to stay away but my daughter insisted and I'm glad we went.

    Another first over with, Father's Day next for my kids, then both their birthdays in July......the year seems to be flying past!

    Ali x

  • Hi Ali,

    Happy belated birthday. Well done to you. It was a difficult day. 

    I am lucky to have my dad for Father's day and my two make sure grandad gets spoilt by me! I always feel I should play it down as they don't have their dad. We will take flowers to him. 

    I was so lucky to see my dad on my birthday so I understand how hard that was for you. He has been my support and 10+ weeks without him has been hard. 

    Take care

    Love and hugs Alison XXX

    Ps. Sounds like your two were great too?