Bereavement counselling

  • 6 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi, I sadly lost my husband recently. I am concerned about my 16 yr old son and am wondering if there’s counselling available? I also have two daughters and feel we would all benefit. Are there counsellors available to speak face to face? Is it too soon to seal help? I would just like some advice. Thank you.

  • CRUSE are bereavement councillors but won't see people before six months.  It's variable. I had six face to face sessions which didn't help. Others have group support. 

    Is there a Cancer support group locally as they would be helpful too. Just Google cancer support then the name of your home town. 

    There should be support from school for the children but it's not an area I know about.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry about your loss. I wish I had some words of comfort,you could try Macmillan,my local hospice have been a great help to me. A lot of counseling is done over the phone now. I can't think of a worse time to be bereaved. I tried phoning the Samaritans last night but they were to busy to take my call.

    Try to make yourself do things and try not to rely on alcohol.

  • FormerMember

    I've just had my first session of counseling through cruse my doctor told me about them I went on line and a few days later they phoned me to assess me then about 5 weeks later I started getting counseling not sure if it's going to help me because I'd rather speak face to face were at the moment it's got to be over the phone but I'm willing to try my lovely wife Nancy passed away 7 weeks ago April 5  

  • FormerMember

    Hi, Really sorry for your loss, I’ve been having over the phone counselling with cruse, I found it as helped me, but I don’t have young children to think about. This virus doesn’t help either because you can’t have face to face, I really hope you will be able to get counselling for yourself and children, soon.

    Take care 

    mandy x

  • Hi

    If you are looking for counseling for your son, it can be more difficult. Most seem to cater for adults. 

    My first husband died when my children were 14 and 10. My daughter never had counseling and neither did my son until he did his A levels when he seemed to struggle! He blocked it out before and there was nobody to help. The college arranged him counseling, I never asked what was discussed as he was very private about it but it seemed to help him. 

    When Ric, my second husband died at Christmas, my son was very together and told his younger sister about it. She kept saying she was fine but found it hard. My son told her it was ok to cry etc whiConfused she did not initially do. He appeared to use what he learnt to help usConfused all. 

    I have not had counseling and actually don't really want it. I think I did a lot of grieving all ready and I think I have now accepted my first husbands death as well as my Ric's. I feel quite at ease about it now. I hated seeing him suffer. It was not him.

    Take care

    Love and hugs Alison XXX

    PS sorry about the emojis I couldn't delete them and they appeared! 

  • FormerMember


    I am so sorry for the loss of your husband I lost my husband just over 6 months ago,would like to say it gets easier but don't think thats the right word to use,you just find ways of coping & managing your loss. I am enclosing some links for you that might help your 16 yr old son gain some support. They are: Hope Again. Winston's Wish & Child Bereavement Charity,also her e is the Cruse Bereavement young peoples  helpline  0808 808 1677

    Hope you find something from the above to give you all support.Take a day at a time as its very early days & am sure you will still be in the initial fog of all loss & grief unfortunately brings.

    Take Care

    Laura x