Where is he?

  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers

My husband died in January. Since then l have been very busy and became very distressed at the sheer volume of adminustration l have had to deal with. My husbands estate was complex.,That part is more or less over bar the massive filing task and one or two loose ends.My next task is to make a new will and try and prepare things so our children dont have the same stress when l am gone. They are both young adults but are very different and have squabbled with eachother all their lives . Our son is laid back and last minute and could care less what his sister thinks. Our daughter finds her brother irritating beyond measure as she is proactive and organised like her Dad whom she adored. I have accepted that l cant control what will happen when l am no longer here to referee but  our sad ,disjointed family is so upsetting. I look back at photos of us four at Xmas when the children were small and l weep for us all. Their Dad was wonderful, so hard working and capable and easy going . A lovely man who just wanted us to be happy. Our son is ok with a wife and small baby. Our daughter is back home with me ,working from home in a job she hates with no social life and no partner missing her Dad but trying really hard to keep going. I am sad for both of us. I have wandered off topic. My latest problem is there being no physical evidence my husband ever existed. He was cremated at his request , at least we had a proper funeral. Later, l drove 300 miles on my own with his ashes which were scattered by his Mum and brother where his fathers ashes had been scattered 15 years ago, again it was his request. Every time l try to think of him l see those ashes on the wet grass on a bleak February day. Where is he , how can there be nothing left ?

  • FormerMember


    you have your photos and your memories and your children  sit down close your eyes think of the good times 

    take care 

    Martin x

  • He is always in your heart and memories, you could have a memorial plant/tree or even a small stone in your garden. you will have photos and personal items- wedding ring, watches, cufflinks, cards,  his favourite aftershave etc that mean so much to you. I lost Colin 5 April and miss him so much, I wear his wedding ring under mine, one of his watches and Calvin Klein Eternity for men every day. He was buried but if he hadn't said that was what he wanted I'd of set him afire !!!

    Colin didn't make a will so if anyone knows about filling the IHT205 &PA1P in - I need some serious help!!! The good thing is that we were/are married so once I get the forms right it will work out the way he wanted. 


    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thankyou.  I planted an Apple tree in his beloved garden that he looked after as well as looking after us.  On the question of IHT forms,. By far the most helpful guidlines are on the notes section of HMRC websiite, the guidance notes take you through the forms question by question. If the threshold is not exceeded is very straightforward. If you need to call HMRC helpline their technical team to whom the call centre have access to are second to none. Of all the people l had to deal with on whatever issues, the trustees of my husbans emloyers pension scheme and the HMRC were the ONLY ones who didnt cause delay or mske errors . .Sadky, everyone else, including banks and the Registrars office made several. Even husbands obituary otice was incorrect. Not as bad as someone who  claimed to have ordered a headstone whilst abroad and found his rekative had been laid to Rest in PIECE

  • The tree will give you lots of pleasure for sure, I am rubbish with plants of any kind that don't look after themselves!!

    Tomorrow is another day