2 years on...

  • 12 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi all 

Think I just need to post today as its coming up for 2 years without my husband. So much has happened & yet it’s Like time hasnt moved on all that much either. 

He doesn’t know about my new role at work. He hasn’t seen my son go up to senior school & my daughter finish college. He hasn’t seen my elder son graduate despite all the odds, & he so desperately wanted to hang on for that. 

I cry less now, just feel so incredibly sad. My emotions are more stable but at tough times like this my concentration is rubbish. I’ve taken some time off work this week, some people are lovely they realise it’s hard for me others seem to think I should be used to this new life now. I accept he’s not coming back, I still struggle to accept that he of all people got ill & died, he was never overweight or a drinker & always very fit. 

I admit I still eat too much of the wrong stuff & struggle to be motivated to do much more than go for a walk. 

But, we are surviving & I think about how hard it wouldve been to keep him safe during these times. I have to be grateful that he is no longer Suffering & that at least my 3 children are old enough to have lots of memories of their dad. 
But it is still so painful & unfair. 

I will never really feel ‘safe’ again. I’m always half expecting the worst health wise, but think that’s a safety mechanism especially as I’ve lost 4 friends since my husband died all to cancer, all late 40s- 50

Its comforting to hear on here from some of those who have been quiet for a while, I’m so sorry to those of you that are new to the group & have found yourselves joining us. I still read all the posts. 

I will miss him forever, I really hope that he knows that. I loved that man so much. Future feels scary without him, I’m 45 now but have no idea what comes next. 

Love to you all, thanks for letting me just acknowledge my loss again as this anniversary approaches. As time goes on so few people want me to do that. 

Sarah xx

  • I've been meaning to tell you for the longest while that I'm glad you were able to go to Germany and be with your family. We had no idea how long lockdown would last and so you are lucky that you're in good company. Of course, it will take time for you to adjust when you go back to Ireland but I know you'll manage but there's time yet for that.

    You've summed up our situation quite accurately: all the changes, trips and experiences we've been having but not being able share them with our spouses; the sadness that doesn't go away and the sense of vulnerability.

    You seem to be accomplishing a lot. I hope you'll tell us more about your book.

    Take care.

  • Hi,

    I haven't visited here for quite a while, but it is almost 2 years since my husband Paul died and have the same feelings as some of you,. Not the raw grief I experienced at first but a general sadness that seems to lay just beneath the surface. 

    As with you I have managed to pick my life up and have new friends and until lockdown had plenty to do,  and while still in touch with our old "couple" friends I don't seem to see them so much....

    I don't worry about my health but I do worry that  I will be faced with some situation that I won't be able to deal or cope with.

    Is this just the just the way it goes? The next step in the journey.... I don't feel lonely, but I do feel alone if that makes sense.

    I don't know how I was expecting to feel 2 years ago but I don't think it was this. Mind you lockdown hasn't helped at all and probably given me too much time on my own with too much time to think. I find myself desperately  calling out to Paul to hopefully get a response......snippets of some of our last conversations just come to me from nowhere. So much more I wished we had talked about but, we were very close and knew what each other was thinking and feeling. So much more I wish we could talk about...so much I still want to tell him...

    However, a group of 6 (new) friends  from my bereavement group are having a bit of a reunion in my garden tomorrow morning. Hope the rain keeps off. We was meeting twice a week and for outings so we are all looking forward to getting back together. It will be great no matter what...

    For those of you who are newly bereaved  there is light and life at the end of the tunnel. Sadly not the one we all hoped for but it is life and we must live it as best we can.

    Love to all Kathy X

    I used to walk around like everything was fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock was sliding off.

    Now I walk around and everything is  fine.....one day I am going to by new socks with strong elastic......but in the meantime I am learning to stop and and pull my sock up!