Thinking of you all

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  • 26 subscribers

Hope every one is getting threw each day as it comes, that is all we can do.

I have been really busy and pleased with my self and seem to be a bit more positive where it has come from i do not know, tomorrow could be different.

It has been six and half months now,sine my hubby passed, seems at times like it was yesterday and

 other times so much longer., my life is not the same that is for sure, but i have to make the most of what time i may have left and he would want this.

If any one is interested and would like to read a lovely poem  and i mean lovely words but also very very hit home words and will make you cry and cry well i did.

Its called If tomorrow starts without me by Tom O Bedlam.

Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Take Care Elliex

  • Good morning Ellie

    That is a beautiful poem and very true.

    I've passed my husband's 2nd Anniversary and can fully relate to what you said about it feeling like yesterday when he passed. All the grief and sadness and then as the calendar confirms to me it's now been over 2 years!! 

    Another day of being home and finding something to fill the day. At least the weather is hopefully going to improve, I live in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 

    Well done feeling productive and positive but don't be too hard on yourself when and if you have a bad day.

    Take care 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Thanks Ellie.

    So simple and true. Made me cry. i'm glad you're doing better.

    Love and hugs.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ellie,

    This is a beautiful poem, thank does make you tearful, but it also comforting.

    Thank you

    Mandy x

  • It's a lovely poem and you were right it did make me cry!

    It's 6 weeks +1 day now since we lost my Colin. I hate Sundays as the time approaches that he passed. 4 weeks since the 'funeral' 

    I'm home alone now as 1 of  Colin's sons who was staying with us has gone back to his own home now and the other 3 have their own lives too.  I'm back to work next week too on short  shifts at first then who knows?

    Stay safe everyone :)

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi Ellie and everyone,

    I hope your still feeling positive and keeping busy, but don’t be too hard on yourself if your having ‘one of those days’. 

    Ive been keeping busy too, I think a bit too much lol, I’ve been so tired today so I’ve only done a little and rested. In my mind I’m thinking push forward, do things that you enjoyed, that’s what he would want so in a sense he is helping me go forward as I can see him smiling down when I’ve accomplished tasks, him laughing at my mishaps with DIY.

    im listening to our favourite music without crying and instead smiling at the lovely memories the music gives me.

    i still can’t watch some of the programmes we watched together but I’m absolutely fine with that, it will come in time.

    yes I’m familiar with that poem and it does hit home. 
    Do you know the poem ‘celebrate’, it gives me strength and comfort when I need it. 

    I hope everyone finds something positive, comfort and peace in the coming week.

    much love


    Grief is the flip side of love