Is this a sign?

  • 5 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi all

my daughter went for a walk in her local park.

about 4 doves came from nowhere, one landed on her hand, it wasn’t interested in the bird seed she had, it was looking directly in her eyes. I’ve tried to upload the picture but it won’t load.

much love

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ebony,

    I don't get many signs but yesterday, whilst on my way to work, I was listening to a song and I thought the lyrics was saying to me that my angel Belle knows I have forgiven her, sh'lll never forget and is waiting for me. I nearly broke down in the supermarket and luckily a long time friend, whose brother also died from Leukaemia a few years ago, saw me and helped me out.

    When I got home I checked the lyrics and they were different to what I heard but I still think she was speaking to me during that song and she is waiting for me.  The song was Mimford and Son " I will wait for you '

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    What i'd give for a sign from Bob - Any sign would be good as I've not had anything recently and I so need something to let me know he is watching over me as I struggle by day to day or even hour by hour Disappointed


  • Hi Djaxster

    have you listened to Phil Quinn on YouTube.

    i think you’re right, our loved ones can use music to connect with us. 

    you can be fine one minute then something can set you off.

    i hope when you got home, you processed tour experience and it gives you comfort.

    mich love

    Grief is the flip side of love
  • Hi Sheila

    Bob will be watching over you don’t fret.

    You will probably had signs but won’t realise that they were signs.

    I think sometimes we want particular signs and when we don’t get them we think they are not there.

    Try and relax and the signs will become more apparent.

    even decisions you are making, your Bob will be guiding you.

    much love

    Grief is the flip side of love
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ebony12

    Yes Ebony I have checked him out a little bit but not too sure on some things he says like the idea she's watching me all the time and knows what I'm thinking, that's scary because I've had a couple of nights out where I may off gone overboard and she wouldn't have liked it lol.

    But I feel her presence at times during the day at work and especially from the cat when I get home. Asked for her help today to complete a task that I have always struggled with and my angel Belle came through and gave me the confidence to complete it.