Those Days are Gone

  • 3 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Oh how it used to be, would give anything for another moment in time, when while i was at the sink, he crept up behind me and put his arms around me and squeezed really tight. How he used to wind me up every   day and he knew he could do that so easily and i always fell for it. How he made me laugh every single day how i miss that, he was always making tea, till i said no more, now i have to make my own.

The simple things in life, and its a true saying you do not really know what you have till it has gone

Memories just one more moment in time, that's all i ask.

Take Care Ellie xx

"You Never Walk A Lone"

  • Yes I agree I wish for it every night just one moment

  • FormerMember

    Totally agree,all the magical private & silly moments we shared from saying whose turn is it to put the kettle on,looking at the sunset or the stars together,to giggling at the silliest of things like tripping over the dogs etc,I think we appreciated all those wonderful happy times but you are right Ellie its in the words of Joni Mitchell's song 'dont it always seem to go that u dont know what you've got til ts gone'

    Best Wishes Laura x

  • Hi Ellie68 and everyone else,

    I know exactly how you are feeling. It is exactly how I felt last Thursday when I posted here that listening to the old recordings - which I suppose is the same as for sighted people looking at photographs - brought back all those memories of good times, fun times, happy times, times filled with laughter and hugging and cuddling and jokes and interesting conversations sometimes deep and sometimes not deep at all... I remember so many little details of our lif and I could tell so many little stories but they wouldn't make sense because you would have had to be there to understand them, they were a sign of the love between us and often born out of the situation so that only I can laugh at them now because I still know the context. But I know that all of you could tell a lot of very similar stories because we have all shared so many beautiful moments with our loved ones.

    Personally I am not sure, though, if I would give anything to just have one moment more like it was back then because, when I know it is only a moment and won't last, I'd rather not experience it because I don't think I could go through the pain of losing it once again.

    Actually, I was sitting on the bus on my way home this afternoon thinking: How am I doing it? And what am I doing it for?

    Not feeling very emotionally stable at the moment. But this has also to do with the fact that it is freezing cold again and frequent snow showers and I just don't deal well with this horrible weather.

    Love to all of you.


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.