Today Was a Good Day

  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi Been reading the threads and quiet a few people are struggling, i know what that is like, been 14 weeks now it seems so much longer in one way.

Had a phone call this morning pick you up 9.30 did not have time to think about it, was my sister we went to Tesco, then to the garden center, i was looking for a named rose for my hubby, so when it blooms i will see it every day, they had lovely named ones there, could not make my mind up  i can see me landing up with more than one, he loved roses.

We went for a coffee it was so normal i felt good, but yes it did not last long, i was saying i took apart a set of Chester draws yesterday, first time in 53 years i had done it, i was proud of my self, but the tears started to flow and every one was looking at me.

My sister said he is watching you he knows you can do these things believe in your self like he does.

Got home dinner is prepared and two loads of washing done, so a little bit of normality if only for a short time.

Take Care Ellie xx

"You Never Walk A Lone" 

  • I'm so pleased for you Ellie. 

    It's sometimes just doing the simple things that make a big difference. We have to learn how to be normal with the life we now have.

    I also hope my husband is watching my small achievements and is proud that we are moving forward somehow. 

    I'm watching the rugby on my own and really hope my Rob is enjoying the games this weekend. 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    Thanks Ruby Diamond

    Your are so right some thing so simple but today it was normal.

    I am sure our hubby's are looking over us, they protected us when they where here why not now.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening

    Take Care Ellie xx

    "You Never Walk A Lone".

  • Hi all, I too have had a good day today, nothing special just small things.

    My friend Rachael text saying " I've got coffee and croissants on the go as long as you don't mind that I'm in my pj's with sticky up hair" so I went up ate croissants, had coffee and a chat for an hour then came home as I'd arranged to meet a friend for coffee at the local garden centre. All normal simple stuff.

    When I got home i snuggled up on sofa with my daughter and watched Downton Abbey dvd with popcorn. She is now cooking me risotto.

    Feel peaceful and calm, not happy but ok and hoping I sleep tonight too.

    Ali x

  • Hi Ellie and Ali,

    I am glad you had a good day yesterday. And hopefully today will be good as well.

    I too had a good day yesterday. As you say, Ali, I wasn't feeling happy but I was feeling peaceful and calm and okay with life.

    I didn't do much at all. Did some shopping in the morning with a little walk afterwards because it was so nice, then lunch at home, going to my neighbour for tea afterwards and then spent the rest of the day on the couch reading "The Secret" and "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne.

    I have no plans today. And this morning I feel good as well but with a little feeling of discomfort because I would love to meet somebody today, not to be alone for the whole day, but this is not so much about grief as about my general thing that I don't like to be on my own for more than a day, I am just not that kind of person who is comfortable in her own company for more than a day.

    Love to all, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi 

    I had a normal day yesterday! Ironing, housework and shopping. I am feeling a bit tired but I did get up and pick my son up at 5 am yesterday after a night out! My just used to say I was mad and make him walk home but I would rather he got home safely! He is 20!! My daughter worked til 10pm but is only 16 and she can't walk home in the dark!!! 

    Going to have an easier day today. Only s roast to cook! My dad is coming round to sort a fence out to remove tree folage that I am finally having taken down after 10 years of Ric nagging me about it! Lol.

    I still have some possessions to sort and my wardrobe/attic to sort as he passed at Christmas the decs were just thrown up there! I know it is not urgent but I feel I have come to a standstill. Perhaps I did too much too soon! I have a weeks annual leave after next week. I know I need that rest! I am hoping to start using my free work gym membership even if only a swim and sauna! I work for the Nuffield! It has only been 8 weeks, on the one hand it seems longer and the other it seems shorter!! 

    Have a relaxing Sunday everyone xxx

  • Hi I am very up and down still hubby was a massive fishing man so much of his tackel to sort out so yesterday I went into the cupboard that he had in the house full off stuff to try and sort it out ..I came across a mirror that he made and decided to up cycle it I sat and glued at lot of floats etc round the frame ..quite pleased with it so I will gift it to his brother or friend ...enjoyed doing it today I thought I would go into his she and try and sort a bit more out and see what damage has been done by the wind and rain ...but I can't find the motivation to move my slef ..funny how some days we have got the get up and go and others it got up and went lol ...keep saying to myself move even for half a hour