Still feels like yesterday

  • 7 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I lost my husband in 2018 and still feels like yesterday. He was only 43 and had been diagnosed 8 months before. The last 4 weeks were the hardest ever watching him suffer in so much pain and watching him cry as he knew things weren’t good. It’s so hard to try and move on with life without him but I’ve 2 children who make me so proud everyday, with my eldest getting into university this year. It’s all the achievements of our children that he’s missed. Life just seems so unfair. 

  • Hi Cally19

    My journey is very similar to yours, I lost my husband aged 47 in 2018 and I have 2 children too.

    Rob was only diagnosed 3 months before he passed, such a rapid decline, it was horrific for us all to witness. Especially for the children who were 12 and 17. I will never forget Rob crying in despair at night-time, about how much he would miss.

    I too am so proud of our sons and it breaks my heart knowing how much Rob has already missed and there is so much of the future he will miss. 

    Life is very unfair 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    Ruby so sorry to hear about your husband. My whole life has changed since he’s passed, there’s times I feel guilty for doing things that I know he loved especially holidays, he loved getting away on holiday. Myself and 2 daughters have been away plucked up the courage last year to go to Florida. My youngest was only 7 and her 8th birthday was 3 days after her dad passed away. It was so hard to try and keep her spirits up while trying to arrange a funeral. Think I’ve been so busy for a while with everything that now I’m starting to feel it more.

  • I'm so glad your are able to book and enjoy holidays, we also loved our holidays and myself and the boys have been on afew holidays. Seeing Dad's play in the pool with their children always brings a year to my eyes. 

    Birthdays are so difficult to get excited about aren't they. Our oldest son only wanted his dad to be alive for his 18th which we spent together in the hospice. We made the best of it but it will always be a memory. My husband's birthday is 3 days after our youngests birthday too. So sad 

    I'm back at work only just and it's hitting me all over again. When people ask how I am and I honestly say I'm just sad.

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Hi it's so so very hard hubby had been ill but thought we still had a lot more time ..on the morning of our sons 17birthday had to 999as hubby was so ill as my son and I tried to him to bathroom my hubby just turned to our son and wished him a happy birthday ..still rips our heart out to think of it ...a few hours latter got told hubby would not make it ...and very sadly he passed away ...early next morning .

    really broke us and my son says he will never celebrate his birthday again so we have said to make it a different month ...he had his first driving lesson booked he put that on hold ..but fingers crossed he is sitting his test next week hope his Dad is looking down on him 

    Know what you men by missing out on Dad being there like we went to buy a wee second hand car ,,trying to get insurance wasn't a parent as a named driver etc ...also he got place in collage his ,D,ad would of been so proud .

    It was only Spey 19 we lost him but it really seems so so long ago as miss him so much ..just to hear him laugh again and get a big bemar hug 

    but we are all on a road we don't want to be on but just got to carry on th. best we can x

  • Sorry for spelling but my iPad got a mind of its own hope you can make it out 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ww123

    Thankyou for your reply.  We had to 999 also as my husband collapsed in house. Thankfully my youngest slept through it all. my husband was admitted to hospital but had to be sedated and passed away the following day. I sat all day beside his hospital bed holding his hand. Part of me didn’t want him to be in pain anymore and another part of me wanted him to still be awake so I could hear his voice again. I think he knew himself for last couple of weeks that things weren’t good and he kept telling me that he loved me and said that he didn’t say it enough to me. Sent me texts from hospital telling me he loved me. Breaks my heart 

  • So sorry for everybody's loss. So many new members on the forum since I joined. So many of us grieving for people we loved. I came on to moan and groan. Feeling really down. Nothing new. Time just seems to be dragging on. I've been doing things: travelling, working, planning trips but it's like I'm just killing time. Just so sad. He'll never come back and it's been too long now.

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