Dating again, continued

  • 5 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hello friends, you’ll remember I started a discussion thread about dating again which lots of people responded to. All your comments were really supportive and helpful. Thank you.

The update is that I have met a wonderful man and though not a day goes by without me thinking about Mike, I’m happy in this new relationship, happier than I’ve been for a while. My adult children and my mother however are not happy. In fact my kids (27 and 31) are not even communicating with me at the moment. They have said they think it’s too soon ( their dad died in September last year) and they are horrified that I met this new man online. 
I’d really value hearing others experiences and any advice. 
Hope you are all doing ok.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Alison

    I really do not have any advise or experience, my hubby passed a week after yours with the same cancer.

    From a personal aspect i would be thinking the same as your children and mother, for me it would be to early  its only been a view months, and for me that is no time at all.

    Every one is different, for me i am still trying to adjust to finding out who i really am, as i had wonderful year's and i at the moment could not be happy with any one else,  i do not need any one to make me happy, i was happy for a long while, and at the moment know one could do that for me.

    Others might have different thoughts of the subject, each to their own.

    I wish you well and if this is want you want or need all the best.

    Take Care Ellie  xx

    "You Never Walk A Lone"

  • Hi there, I am so happy you have found someone to give you some happiness and company. Having been widowed twice I can relate how children do not accept this easily. However, they don't understand the loneliness you feel. We are all different and I truly hope I can love again, I can't imagine being alone for the rest of my life, though I guess that may be the case. My partner told me to get back out there, love, laugh and live. I hope that your children accept your new man soon, it's understandable the way they feel. Take ot slowly. Who knows what the future holds for the two of you but I wish you well. Xx

    Love is eternal
  • Thank you for your reply and your good wishes Ellie x 

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • Thank you. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been widowed twice. Life can be cruel, but also, as I’m finding now, offer some wonderful opportunities. I hope you do find another love. 
    I think you are right about time being important for my children. 
    Look after yourself xx 

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • Hi Alison,

    Good to hear from you again. I think I gave my thoughts the first time round.

    My advice to take things slowly still stands but happy to hear you have opened your heart to someone else and that he makes you happy.

    I am also sad to hear about your family's reaction but understand where they are coming from.  Please be mindful/patient, as they are grieving too. Everyone grieves differently and it is early days for both you and your family.

    Everyone's journey is also different. My husband, like yours, gave his blessing to find someone else. 

    Having said that, ultimately only you can decide what is right for you. Hope all goes well.

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie Xx