If Only There Was A Way You Could Know

  • 9 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi everyone,

You know what I have been thinking in recent weeks and particularly days? I have been thinking how lovely it would be if I could tell my husband about my life as it is now. I remember the few conversations we had prior to his very quick deterioration when I would say again and again, "Darling, I just can't imagine a life without you. I don't know what could give my life some meaning?" And, at one particularly desperate time, I even said to him, "You know, I'd rather go with you than having to continue living without you." I wonder how that must have made him feel. And I am sorry for having said those things because, yes, they were honest but it must have been difficult and worrying for him to hear this. It was only when he was already unconscious, very shortly before his death, that I said to him, "Sweetheart, don't ever worry about me. I'll be fine."

I sometimes feel it would be so lovely if I could have one more chance of talking to him and say, "You know, darling, life is okay. I haven't killed myself even though I thought about it in the beginning. I have people around me, family and friends, who have helped me and are continuing to help me to live with my grief. I have my work that keeps me going, even though it is a lot less work than I would like to have. I socialise, I work, I keep on top of things in and around the house. I miss you loads but I am okay with life as it is now." And I would also love to tell him that I have kept our house and have stayed in Ireland because he used to say to me that he would prefer if I went back to Germany to live close to my family, something I haven't considered at all because Ireland is home, the English language feels like my native language now, I am used to the mentality and people here... And, even though I don't have as much work as I would like at the moment, I have work here. I wouldn't want to start somewhere ese all over again.

Do you sometimes feel that you would like to let your loved ones know you are okay now?

Love, Mel.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mel,

    I totally get what you are saying,I constantly want to tell Micky all kinds of things mostly that I am still here & surviving after 9 long weeks without him. I am starting back to work this evening dreading it but want to make him proud that I can hopefully do it.I also often want to tell him what i been doing in a day,and often talk to his picture& ask his opinion on stuff,obviously I get no answer but it helps me to do this.

    Take Care

    Laura x 

  • Laura,

    I'm glad you posted today as I was thinking about you going back to work. This is the worst it will be, after today it will get better and better and hopefully make you feel a bit like your old self. I know it did for me. Good luck for later. Let us know how you get on. Ali x

    I often talk to Mark when I'm out walking the dog. I too wish I could tell him we're doing ok. Although I have struggled a bit today as I had a few financial affairs to sort and had his car valeted ready to sell (he loved his car!).

    I did tell him right at the end to let go as we'd be ok, but I'll never know if he heard me. I like think he'd be proud of me.

    I am coping, I'm working, I'm going out with friends. Even going to Lanzarote in March with a close friend. But I'd give anything to be going with him, it was our favourite place. We had our first holiday there without the kids last year and loved it so much were going to go every year. Oh how can so much change in so little time.

    Love to you all. Ali xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to AliG55

    Hi Ali

    Thanks for thinking about me & your wise words,yes hopefully once I get my back in to work it will give some focus & purpose,I am a nurse so looking after people all the time which I do love & hope I still have the enthusiasm for it,will keep you posted. Things are a struggle when you start sorting out money & possessions as it brings that wave of grief right back at you,but somehow we get through it.Well done on going on a holiday!  

    Laura x

  • Hi Laura,

    Ah so you are starting back with a night shift? I hope it goes well.

    As you probably know from previous posts, I would love love love to be a nurse, especially an oncology nurse.

    I am sure you will be okay tonight. And of course he would be very proud of you.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Laura, I hope you shift goes well. I am a nurse too and have found work a huge help. 

    Mel if you want to be a nurse than do it!!! You could get in a range of ways now. Go live your dream 

    Alison xxx

  • Unfortunately, Alison, I don't see a way how I could train as a nurse. I have a vision impairment (almost totally blind) and, even though I think that I could do it and perform most of the jobs quite well particularly when I am not the only one on the ward, there is no way the health service would let me do it. It's really making me very sad because I would love it so much.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • That is a shame Mel. You would be good. Perhaps you could do something related xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Hi Alison

    Thanks my shift was ok i only do 5 hour shifts at a time in the GP out of hours service here as a nurse practitioner,it was nice to see my friends at work but very daunting as unsure of what reactions I would have from people I hadn't yet seen since Micky died but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It felt odd going back into my nurses role and doing everything I used to do (have been off 3 months) but also enjoyed seeing patients again,but then I would find myself drifting suddenly thinking about how different my life is now to when I was at work 3 months ago and that Micky would not be at home when I got in at 11.30pm,so that was quite a hurdle to get over and felt a bit choked up when I got in the house.I have 2 lovely golden retrievers to greet me so that helped.I feel I achieved something by going back in to work last night as if i hadn't gone back then I don't think I would have returned at all,so had to really push myself.

    Mel as Alison says go for it there are lots of opportunities out there!

    Laura x

  • Well done Laura. It is hard going back but I think that I have had so much support it helped. I was a practice nurse but moved to the Nuffield as a pre assessment nurse just as my husband got his diagnosis in September. They have been fantastic from matron to the reception staff! They all check I am ok and let me be normal or cry!!! Which is getting easier and less frequent now! Rare unless I am alone now. 

    I think my nurse training helped a lot in dealing with all of.this. I am.lucky that I have my children of 20 and 16 at home so not back to emptiness. 

    Be kind to yourself. Hugs to you xxx