Lost my soulmate

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my husband was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer primary site stomach on 1 October 2019. This was only discovered through routine blood test mid September-he had no symptoms. He had 1st. chemotherapy on 31 October 2nd on 21 November and started to feel unwell 28 November. He was admitted to hospital 4 December with severe diahorrea and discharged 16 December. His strength had completely drained from him but his spirit was still strong. Sadly he never truly recovered & deteriorated so quickly and was admitted to our local hospice on 14 January and passed away on 19 December. Everyone is in shock with the speed of his illness and loss of his life. I don’t know how I’m going to just carry on without him. He was the love of my life and I know my life will never be the same. It’s his funeral tomorrow and I just hope & pray I am able to see the day through.

  • I'm so sorry you have had to join our site Isabella. But I hope you will find comfort in posting and reading posts as we are all at different stages of our journey but all understand. 

    My husband's cancer was one which took us all by surprise and spread so quickly just 3 months from diagnosis to his last breath. How a big strong 6"4 18 stone man can just be gone makes little sense.

    It is very early days for you and the funeral will be hard but take comfort that you have done everything you can for your husband, I hope you have family or friends there to support you. 

    You are right and life will never be the same but slowly, very slowly things will get a little less awful. Eat, rest and only do things that are necessary.

    I can hardly believe my husband passed on 31st March 2018 and it's so hard to say he's been gone nearly 2 years. I will always love and miss him.

    Take care x

    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry for the loss of your husband Isabella,it has been so sudden and quick for you from onset of diagnosis til now the day before his funeral.You will probably be feeling in a fog with all that has happened just now,my advice would be take an hour/morning/afternoon etc at a time.I lost my husband Micky on Dec.3rd 2019 after brain tumours diagnosis on the 11th Nov. so all told it was 3 weeks of turmoil before he sadly died,so I can understand your feelings at the moment.The day before micky's funeral I had a meltdown and felt I would not be able to even go to the funeral I was so upset as reality sort of struck me  at the thought of it all.However come the day I found some inner strength & went though the funeral & wake without shedding a tear & managed to mingle with all my family & friends.I am sure you will find the strength to get through tomorrow too in whatever way sutis you,as you will want to do the best for your husband as I did,please be kind to yourself.I am sure you will find some comfort on this site as everyone has suffered huge losses and have a deep understanding of the feelings thoughts & sometimes sheer madness that we feel in trying to manage without the loves of our lives. Will be thinking of you tomorrow,take care.

    Laura x   

  • FormerMember

    Hello Isabella, 

    I am sorry to hear about your loss. I hope, tomorrow goes the best it can for you. It won't be easy. 

    Your story is similar to mine. I lost my husband in July last year to secondary liver cancer with primery unknown. He was diagnosed on 5th July and passed away on 21st July. We were offered no treatment, only pain control. We thought, he was a healthy strong man too before he had developed the first symptoms in May. From the diagnosis till his very last day his condition had deteriorated at horrific speed.

    Its hard to believe, how seemingly healthy and strong looking people get seriously ill. No one knows, what's going on inside the body. Quietly and insidiously dragging our loved ones away.

    Tomorrow will be very hard for you. But you will have people arround you to support you. Try to eat and drink, have rest. You will need it. 

    Love xxx

  • isabella181, I am so sorry for your loss. You must be heart-broken. It is absolutely understandable that at the moment you don't know how the future is going to be like without your soul mate. I am glad you have found this froum because you can share here and read from other people who are with you on this very difficult journey.

    I lost my husband in May 2018 to secondary liver cancer. He got sick at the beginning of April with the flew and pneumonia and he never recovered, by then he had already gone through many rounds of Chemotherapy and his immune system was way too cmpromised to be able to deal with this illness, and because he needed to discontinue the Chemotherapy while recovering - or supposedly recovering - from the infections, the cancer in his liver grew very fast and aggressively. In the end he died from multi organ failure.

    Even almost two years on from his death, I still can't believe that he is really gone and am finding it hard to think of a future without him. So one day at a time has become my mantra. I can only do one day at a time.

    I hope you have people around you, loving family and friends, who can help you to go on somehow. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • I'm so sorry that you lost your husband and have had such a long wait for the funeral.

    Somehow you will get through tomorrow as many here will testify, we don't quite know how but we did. Do whatever you need to do.

    Will be thinking of you.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you tomorrow x