Farewell my Lovely. See You Again.

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The day has finally reached us when tomorrow I have the awful thing of a Final Goodbye to my Darling Wife Tina. She fought so hard against S.C.L.C but it got the better of her after a hard 9 months. For the past 27 days while we were waiting for tomorrow I have been questioning myself constanly, is this done, do I need this, I am just in a whole different world. Sometimes I feel it's not me, but I know it is. I have been guided through things that I never thought I would have to do. You dont if you are a 45 year old widower do you. I sent Tina's pension back and was told about Bereavement Support Payment, I applied like he said and was knocked back. This world of Cancer is horrendous. We need more help when the end comes as you are just thrown into a complete life changer. God I hate Cancer!

God Bless You All


  • I hope all goes well tomorrow. I am sure it will be perfect for Tina. 

    There are some harder days than others. Today has been a hard one. I have felt lonely. My son has been away and my daughter at work. I felt lost. 

    If I find out anything useful about the payment I will you know, I am phoning about it tomorrow myself.

    Take care. Have a beautiful goodbye tomorrow xxx

  • Hi Billy. There are no final goodbyes only see you later. Whatever you believe. You carry them with you every hour every day. You talk to them, even argue with them and listen to them. They are too much a part of you to ever say goodbye. They just come with you into the next chapter of your life whatever that might be. They stay your friend and your soulmate and you see them every night in your dreams. Listen and you will hear her. Be peaceful. 

  • Hello Billy. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. 

    The bereavement payment is based on NI contributions, could that be the reason?

    My husband had the same thing as your wife.

    Take care.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate