14 months since my husband died and feeling lonelier than ever

  • 2 replies
  • 24 subscribers

This Christmas has been so difficult - I can’t even remember how I got through last year but reality has set in that my lovely husband won’t ever come home.  Any special moments I have are tinged with sadness as he isn’t here to share it with me.  Seeing my excited grandchildren at Christmas was bittersweet-  all our dreams and plans for our retirement together never happened. I feel he was cheated and so was I and our family. 

The loneliness is almost unbearable even though I have a wide support network. I feel guilty that life feels like an existence now. 

  • FormerMember

    Only 5 months on christmas day for me, but your post pretty well sums up how I feel, had Christmas away with our grandsons,but yes bittersweet is how it felt.

    I've already began to feel that I will never see Amanda again, and agree the looneliness is terrible.

    After a lifetime together I really find it very hard to be without her.

    Hope things get better for you I guess I have more of my journey along the road were all on.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Time I’m sure  will lessen the pain.  I do want to enjoy all the good things that are still in my life. I know that is what Ed would have wanted.