I'm Glad that day has gone!!

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  • 26 subscribers

I was dreading yesterday as it was a week since my Darling wife passed away from SCLC and also the Most Overated Day of the year. I have always hated Christmas even more than Johnty. I released my Balloon for my wife to catch when it went past her, had a Pint of Shandy at the local club and left half a lager on the bar for her. If it wasn't for all the wonderful people on here I would be in a Nuthouse by now. I went for a walk and came back to read through other people's blogs on here. I found them such a help it's unbelievable.

Together we all help each other.

God Bless You All & Best Wishes


  • Together we do help each other John.

    Maybe more than family and friends, unless you have been through it, I don't think you have a clue. I certainly didn't until my lovely husband passed away aged 47 .

    Our 2 sons and I tried to enjoy our second Christmas without him. It all just seems flat and abit pointless, I do try for our sons.

    We have a dog and I love walking her, I chat to my husband while I walk but if anyone saw me they will think I'm talking to the dog, hopefully. 

    I hope today you have found one thing to smile about, sometimes it's just a small thing, but know your wife is beside you.

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Hi John I was dreading yesterday but managed to get through it like you we let off 2 balloons with messages on then for my wife and mother in law at the stepson's glad to be back home now hope you get through new year's eve without to much of a meltdown 

  • My husband died 8 weeks ago. I tried yesterday and went to my sisters but after an hour it was too much and I couldn’t stop crying   I had loads of texts from family and friends saying they were thinking about me. All I could think about was him. Not sure what is more painful- the punch in the gut that takes your breath away when you remember the things we did or the sobbing when you sit in the car with your head on the steering wheel and cry your heart out. How does anyone get through this. 

  • You will but takes time I still get that can't swallow guts twisting heart hurting pain but not as often after six months but still miss my wife so much so be gentle on yourself 

  • Thanks for being there John ruby and Ian. I keep getting told that he wouldn’t want me to be like this and to remember the good times. Like I am somehow weak and ungrateful. It’s because there were so many good times and he knew I would be like this and was sad for leaving me that breaks my heart. I don’t want to be strong. 

  • Hi Ruby, I know what you are going through. I let a balloon off yesterday and just tried to lose the day. Today  I went and sorted a few things outside and had a Robin keep flitting past. I have convinced myself its my Tina. I know she is here somewhere but I just want a sign. 

    I remember the mad things we done through our 25 years of marriage,like the first christmas we all had a Trifle Fight. Throwing it at each other with the 2 lads. We were finding it 2 weeks later behind the curtains and tv. It was everywhere. Great Times.

    It's all going to be baby steps I suppose.

    God Bless Ruby


  • Ian it's very comforting watching that balloon sail up. We will get there.

    God Bless Mate


  • Owl58. Please dont beat yourself up. We will all get by and come to terms with what happens. Your Husband is watching you and beside you all the time. Remember the good things and smile. It's what he would want.

    God Bless You. Baby Steps At A Time.


  • Oh John that's fabulous about the robin, I too saw one on my bird table yesterday and  I hope it was my husband popping by to wish us Happy Christmas and let us know he was around. 

    That's fantastic you have managed to have happy memories and the trifle fight sounds hilarious.

    Baby steps is the only way. 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Ruby our Second Christmas she whacked me around the Chops with a Whole Salmon in Sainsbury. 

    She thought it was hillarious. I saw stars all christmas