
  • 6 replies
  • 28 subscribers

This is the 3rd Christmas without my husband, and for some reason. I'm finding it much harder than last year. I don't know why and not sure what to do about it.

Although I have quite a lot of friends and don't go for very long without seeing them, I just feel so alone this Christmas. Friends have been over this afternoon, and I shall be with my daughter and son-in-law tomorrow and Boxing Day, but I'm really struggling at the moment.

Maybe after 2 years of being widowed I thought I'd be much better than this. Outwardly it looks like I'm ok but right now I feel so down.

I haven't felt like this all the time since my husband died, it just seems to have crept up in the last few weeks. Don't know whether it's just to do with Christmas or not.

Is there anyone out that on a similar timeline, and if so, how are you doing?

  • , sorry I am not in your position, but have just lost 2 friends, together with my diagnosis in Feb. But I can send you a virtual hug. ((You)). 

  • Thank you, Gemmary, sending one back to you and hoping your own treatment has done it's stuff x

  • Hi Northernlass,

    Its my second christmas without my husband. The first one went in a blur as he died nine days before Christmas last year. 

    Not really feeling that festive but have spent the evening earlier in the pub raising monies for a cancer charity. 

    Normally I would have had a good drink and stayed to the end. In fact I struggled to get out today as not been feeling that great since last Saturday, heathwise. 

    Sort of wanted a duvet day but glad I got out for a few hours.  It gave me a purpose and met some lovely people.

    It's not the same. In fact I feel sadder this year than last and find myself reflecting more. So I do understand how you are feeling but, at the same time, trying to make the most of what I do have around me now. 

    Sending you a virtual hug and lots of love,

    Dutsie Xx

  • Northernlass

    This my second Christmas and I'm on my own today and tomorrow. In many ways it's as hard if not more than last year.  I watched carols from Kings and ended up in floods of tears knowing we'll never have Christmas together again. 

    It's good you've had people round today and will be with family tomorrow.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Good morning Wildcat,

    Just wanted to say thank you for replying last night, I hope you managed to get some sleep after having felt so upset.

    Music is one of the things I still find difficult, so don't often listen to it. I do enjoy Premier Praise radio though, it's a Christian radio station that plays very modern worship music, and I've discovered George Ezra! Quite like his stuff.

    Hope you manage today ok. It's quite sunny here, hope it is where you are, too. Maybe you could get out for a walk if you enjoy walking?

    I feel better today than yesterday, I think I don't enjoy the lead up to Christmas, especially now, it feels too hyped up. I went to bed last night and wrote down what I don't like about Christmas and what I will do next year to change things! I think it helped!

    Sending you my best wishes x

  • Good morning, Dutsie,

    Thanks for replying last night, it's old to know there are people out there that understand.

    It must have been very difficult losing your husband so close to Christmas, my husband died mid November. Still, well done you for getting out last night, and with purpose too. I felt encouraged by that. I think purpose is something I want to build in to future Christmases. My church is doing a lunch for people that would be on their own, but I'm not able to help with that as I have my elderly mum to cook for and then I'm going to my daughter's m-i-l's. Otherwise I would have helped with that.

    You're right, we do have to make the most of what we do have.

    Thanks again,

    Love &hugs to you too x