Sick of bad news.

  • 9 replies
  • 27 subscribers

afternoon all,Well this lead up to Christmas has been hard,my second one without my  darling husband Alan, Trying my best to keep  the tears at bay, thought I was doing ok now more bad news,my niece passed away yesterday only 56yrs in the last eighteen months that is five people I love and care about just gone,Life is so cruel.surely I am going to get some good news for a change,It just seems I start to pick up and then bang back I go,so definitely not looking forward to Christmas panic attacks are at there worst,can’t settle at all,Hope everyone else is managing and you all get through it in your own way.Hugs to all x

  • Oh Val

    That is just too tragic. I'm not sure how much one person can take but it does sometimes seem unfair that we have to go through so much. I'm so sorry. 

    My life has also taken a stressful path. On 19th Nov my youngest son crashed his quad and broke his femur. He needed surgery and a week's stay in hospital. He was recovering well but on 6th Dec he managed to re break his leg!! He needed more surgery and another week in hospital. 

    This is my second Christmas without my husband and there is so much I want to share with him and I miss him dreadfully. 

    Do you have plans for Christmas? It will just me myself and our 2 sons. We will visit my husband's grave, sadly our youngest won't be able to get out of the car he's non weight bearing for 6 weeks.

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Val that is so sad , my hart goes out to you . Forget about Xmas, I am it is only one day. I know it will be sad for all of us but we have each other here and I am sure we will be thinking of one another at this sad time. Go back to one day at a time. Look after yourself, you come first. Mike 

    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember

    Dear Val66

    I can totally relate to a year of bad news, my husband passed away on the 12th March of small cell lung cancer, which was just awful, in June my step daughter decided to contest her fathers will, July I lost one of my darling cats, then to end it all, by older brother had a massive aortic embolism and died very suddenly in late October, we had all been together in the day celebrating his grandson's birthday.. Really how can so much sadness be piled on me on one year, it is so bloody tragic, I don't know how I am getting though one day to the next, but I am and just about holding it together. 

    Christmas is going to be tough with the family get gatherings, there is going to be such a hole without my Husband and Brother.They are going to be so missed by us all.

    Hope you get those Panic Attacks under control, they are so scary, and however you get through the Christmas Holiday, do what you want to do, and if that is staying in bed under the duvet, so be it.

    Thinking of you and all those on here at such a tough time of year.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    Thank you for your reply,so sorry to hear about your son ,I hope he makes a full recovery,I feel I am missing my husband more this Christmas than the first which to me seems daughter is doing a family meal,just hope I don’t spoil it the way I’m feeling,They are all so good and understanding even tho they are still suffering themselves, A visit to  Alan’s grave,then back for lunch,Hope your day goes as well as it can.x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Thank you Mike for your kind words,Hoping I can get through the day without to many tears,but I know everyone is always here if needed,this group has become like extended family,always someone ready to listen.Hope Christmas day is not to stressful for you.  Val

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sounds like you are going through a pretty stressful time yourself Chris,hope you manage the day ok.I thought I was doing ok but think I was just kidding myself,Staying in bed under duvet does sound about right,but hopefully I’ll will get through the day at my daughters.then maybe a early night,just me and My memories.Hope you get through the day without to many tears.

  • Agree with you Val. This group has become so important- like friends on  my phone. I check in here every morning and every night and sometimes in between. So good to know we are all here supporting one another remotely. 
    This is my first Christmas without my husband Mike who died in September. I’m in London with my son and daughter, their partners, my darling little grandson and my dog. I hope everyone manages the next couple of days ok. I plan to do whatever makes me feel better - cuddle grandson and dog, run with my daughter and drink a few glasses of wine. We will also toast the kindest, most generous, funny, lovely man I’ve ever known. My darling Mike 

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • Yes, Alison, every time I log on, I think of you all as my new friends.

    This day last year was the day of my husband's church service  - 24th Dec (I think I'm a day ahead of you in the U.K.) and the 27th his ashes were buried. I collected some shells from the shore and wrote his name then decorated them with some wild flowers. As i can't go the grave, I felt as though I needed to do something, to commemorate the day in some way. One year later and I still don't understand why he's not here. This is terrible. For me, there'll be no more Christmases. It's just a day I want to forget, erase from the calendar. There are too many important dates around the 25th for me.

    Wishing you all the best and sending my love.

  • You do some beautiful things to celebrate and remember your love. Take care xx

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm