Lost my soulmate

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  • 25 subscribers

On September 24th of this year I lost her, my lover, best friend and soulmate of 17 years. She died after being diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia just 3 months before. We were told that it was incurable and she had 2 rounds of Chemo but just before her 3rd treatment she went completely down hill. She had already lost loads of weight, was tired all the time but then her hearing went. In one week she was admitted for Pallitive Care and by 5 days we were told that it was only days to weeks. She passed 2 days later. 

I feel a lot of anger because my stepdaughter was left alone with her at the hospital in her dying moments. I should have been there but the ward turned me away when I felt during the night that I needed to be there for her and my stepdaughter, I had only been home for a few hours after being by her bedside all day. I called them whilst in a cab but they said I couldn't be there as my step daughter was there and that my partner was fine and was comfortable and sleeping. They told me not to worry,get some sleep and come back first thing tomorrow.  I felt a bit at ease as they told me she was ok and I fell asleep. 

About 4 hours later, around 5am, my phone was ringing and I woke up to hear my stepdaughter telling me that her mum was very distressed, trying to rip her tubes out and trying to get out of her bed. She was asking for me and my step daughter explained she had been like this for hours. I had text my stepdaughter early to explain that I was coming down but the hospital had turned me away, but her phone had died and had been charging. She had text me later in the morning that her mum was distressed but I was asleep. I managed to get a cab back to the hospital and was on the phone to my stepdaughter explaining I was 5 minutes away but by the time I got there my stepdaughter was in the carpark crawled in a ball sobbing her heart out. I had missed my soul mate by 3 minutes. It was the moment I dreaded that evening and that's why I tried to get there early but only to be turned away.

My angel had a lot of issues,which I'm not going to go into, but she was under a lot of doctors and I now know that the symptoms of Leukaemia were there sickness, weight loss, night sweats, lack of energy and aching pains were there for a long time before they discovered her platelets were on the floor. She had blood tests at least once a month and I had raised the weight loss and sickness to her docs but they seemed to ignore it or just didn't care.

I am angry but my stepdaughter and I now will get through xmas the best we can. We have a special gift each of jewelry with her mums ashes and other little bits of remembrance so that my partner is not forgotten.

  • FormerMember

    Dear DJaxster

    I am so so sorry for such a tragic end to your wives battle with this awful disease. The anger is normal and will give you the determination to get through this time of grief. Keep talking about it, there will be many on this site that will be able to relate to this experience. Mine was somewhat different, but I felt I needed to reach out and let you know that this is the best place to rant, lots are listening.

    Take care of you and your stepdaughter xxx

  • FormerMember

    I just wanted to reach out because my darling husbands passing was very similar and unexpected. We were told weeks, then it was days and then suddenly hours. He was so strong through his illness and the end was very sudden and distressing.

    I am so sorry that you weren’t with her and your poor step daughter had to go through this. 

    I too have many, many questions but it’s too soon for me to pursue it. My Dr has suggested I make an appointment with the oncology team to ask them to explain why his illness accelerated so quickly - literally hours. It might give me some closure..maybe it would help you? Wishing you strength xxx

  • Dear Djaxster 

    I'm truly sorry for your loss. I lost my darling wife in July this year.

    I find it very questionable that the hospital turned you away when your loved ones illness was so critical. I too would be extremely angry at their insensitivity. I don't know if all hospitals are required to follow an NHS policy but my wife's hospital where she eventually passed away allowed my family to visit anytime and with no limitation. In fact my daughter and I took turns staying over night, sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags. Admittedly my dear wife Anne had been allocated her own private NHS room. Perhaps thats what made the difference? 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Thanks Geoff and I'm sorry for your loss too.

    My partner too was in a private room as they knew she didn't have long left. Like you I stayed with her all day during her last 2 days, whilst her daughter slept in her room during the night. It was just the gut feeling and my mind that kind of knew that I should have been there, not just to be with my beloved soulmate in her final breath but to be there for my stepdaughter at that horrible moment. I had that vision of both of them without me there, earlier that evening, and that's what in the end happened.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you messymum for your kind words and I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved husband.

    My partner had health issues going back to probably before she gave birth to her daughter in 1991. She had some kind of blood disorder resulting into Hep C. She recieved a liver transplant in 2007 and smashed it. Got through it quickly and stunned her docs in her quick recovery. She then developed skin cancer with a tumour in her nose that had to be cured by 3 months aggressive radiotherapy up her nostrils in 2017. That cleared and we all thought finally we have got her back. Then this year i started to notice her shedding weight, getting tired and being sick every morning and told her, and went to some appointments, to inform her different doctors and specialists but feel that it wasn't picked up.

    Thank you also about how I might be able to speak to her oncologist team. I hope that you get answers and it may help you too. Xx