Happy Birthday darling

  • 2 replies
  • 24 subscribers

I cannot wish my darling husband Happy Birthday because he is no longer here, i cant hug him or kiss him because lung cacer took him from me in March 2019. I am so sad, I cant get out of bed, i just keep crying, why him? is all I keep asking, I want him back. Most days I cope, but not today.

  • FormerMember

    Aww Chris So Sorry your having a bad day,but can understand why,Birthdays,anniversaries and occasions are really hard.I lost my husband to pancreatic cancer in September 2018,Not a day goes by without missing him,I do try to do normal things and carry on but so hard,I’m not very good with words but all I want to say is today is your husbands birthday and he is not here with you so you are finding it difficult, that is perfectly normal it’s early days for you,This group is so good because everyone is going through their own adjustment to life without our partners so we all understand,Hope you have family and friends to support you and hope tomorrow is a little bit better..Take care.x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Val66, It was a terrible day and I was mentally exhausted at the end and was glad to go to bed, even if it wasn't a great night sleep. 

    I was going out with friends but I cancelled as it all seems to much, then had a very self indulgent day of crying and remembering fun birthday gone by, he was such a big personality and the void he had left in my life is indescribable.

    Today is another day and I am already feeling stronger, I will get on with helping a neighbor with her outside decs and taking the dogs for a nice walk, taking another small step forward.

    Thank you for your reply it meant a lot xxxx