Feeling very alone

  • 8 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I haven't posted for a while as I've felt very low and didn't want to make everyone even more depressed! But 5 months now since John died and strange though it sounds, the reality is hitting me harder now than in the early days. The reality of being alone that is. I've been very unwell this week, I have an oesophageal problem which is normally well controlled by tablets, but for some reason it flared up and I've had awful chest pain, heartburn, and a loss of appetite. I've hardly eaten for 4 days but don't feel at all hungry. Doctor has referred me for an urgent gastroscopy (camera down the throat) and that appointment is next week, but I need someone with me for 24 hours afterwards. Neither of my children is local, and they can't make it, and I haven't many friends, and none I could ask to stay with me overnight. So I'll have to try to reschedule it for a date when one of the kids are free. This has really brought  home to me how alone I am and how I just relied on John always being around to help me, and how so much is totally out of my control now.  And John was so good when I was ill, calm and rational and reassuring, whereas I've pretty much convinced myself that I have osophageal cancer!  


  • Dear Anne I can clearly see your problem and I feel helpless to say something  that could make anything  better. Going along with ones own fears is the natural path we all take. You are not alone. The saying "What will be. Will be." is something I quite like. And " It is what it is."  Yet as I say this I feel your fears are unfounded. Grief can bring on any amount of problems.e.g. Digestive. Chest pains. Tiredness. Depression and anxiety. Go with the flow and begin to feel positive. Do you know you are stronger than you think? And you are right when you say after after 5 months its hitting you harder than ever. You've been coping so well that the full effects of your grief have possibly been suppressed. It happened to me after 3 months of losing my wife. Married for 50yrs. One of your kids will come up trumps or a friend  you thought you never had. All will be well. Non of us are in control of our lives which is why "What will be. Will be." 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • I'm sorry that you need this test and hope it can put your mind at ease. I had one recently and went home alone afterwards, there was never any need for me to have someone for the next 24hours. I didn't have sedation though. 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • FormerMember

    Hi Anne,

    Chest pain, loss of appetite and he never gave you an ECG, what sort of quack have you got? Typical, he should have been a lot more thorough than just referring you to have a camera down your throat.

    I hope everything checks out okay.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Anne sorry to hear about your problem. Hope it all turns out good for you. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Thanks Geoff for your kind and encouraging  words. Yes, people say 'you're coping really well' because I put on a brave face and just try to get on with what life there is for me without John. I guess as you say grief affects us in many ways, some very unexpected. Seeing the doctor again tomorrow for blood test results and another chat. The pain in the chest has gone but still have no appetite, have lost half a stone in a week, 2 stones in tge last 18 months - I needed to lose weight, but not like this. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi CC, I think it's because I have a history of oesophageal problems but I did think at the time that the doctor perhaps should have at least listened to my heart and looked at my throat, which I said was a bit sore. I burst into tears in the surgery and she handed me tissues and said I could have a priority appointment if I wanted just to talk! Going back tomorrow  for blood test results, different doctor this time.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi CC, I think it's because I have a history of oesophageal problems but I did think at the time that the doctor perhaps should have at least listened to my heart and looked at my throat, which I said was a bit sore. I burst into tears in the surgery and she handed me tissues and said I could have a priority appointment if I wanted just to talk! Going back tomorrow  for blood test results, different doctor this time.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Don't  know why that posted twice!