Feelings after wife passed

  • 5 replies
  • 25 subscribers

My wife and partner of 27yrs sadly passed away on 19th July when she was 45yrs old. She was diagnosed 39 days before with stage 4 stomach cancer. When we got the first diagnosis to the end the expected life span kept getting reduced each week. And because of the severity of the cancer she was unable to have any treatment.  She left behind myself and our 6 children 

  • Hi Vinny71. I am so sorry for your loss. My wife passed away on 15 July so I know exactly how you are feeling, but it must be harder for you with 6 children to look after. I have 3 sons but they are all adults. How old are your children. It’s  just so hard to understand how are loved ones can be taken away like that. 

    I hope you stay with this group as it is a great help , and everyone here understands what you are going through. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hi vinny71 my wife passed 16 th June we only had 3days it is a horrible time just a little at a time seems all we can do it won't seem to get better just less painfull sometimes wish you the best 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Thanks Winmick for your kind words. Sorry for your loss as well.

    Luckily our children are of age where they understand and can process the events that have happened.  Our children are 25, 21,17,16,14,13. I'm finding that our only daughter (14) is finding it difficult as she is the only girl in the house now. But I'm happy and it what the wife wanted. We were all there holding her when she took her last breath in the hospice. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Hi Newb,  thank your for your message.  Devastating news and time limit about your wife. As each day passes the memorys will always be there but hopefully the heartache will get better.


  • We all hope for that the memory's will always be with us good or bad but the devastation will remain for a long time I think
