A year tomorrow

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  • 25 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I don’t often post once ever few months in the beginning this community was my life line that’s for sure .Unfortunetly  tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of my beloved Kola passing oh how I still miss him so much not so many breakdowns anymore although I was very bad last Friday couldn’t stop crying so does still happen occasionally ,has it got better a tough question yes and no I am so proud of my children and myself for getting through all the firsts without their dad the constant in their lives at one point can I believe we are here NO when he first left I couldn’t imagine a day let alone a year without him wishing upon wishing he was here when he was very ill he used to say to me it is what it is Pamela why are you crying so I try to hold onto that saying all the time I can go for lunch now with friends and family and went back to work quite early on I knew I needed the outlet I hope he is proud of us because at this stage that’s what I crave for . Do I think he visits us most def on many occasions I have felt his presents and quidance he was a larger than life character my soul mate through and through for that I will be forever grateful we met and had the life we had so here I am a year later and doing ok all my love and thought go out to everyone on this journey the beginning the middle and the end here’s hoping you are all learning to cope with what life throws at you now your soul mates are gone look after yourself focus on yourself priority number one god bless.

love Pam xxxx 

  • Hi Pam

    What an incredibly honest post. I'm sure Kola is incredibly proud of everything you have achieved, and I'm so glad you can feel him around you.

    I can relate to your astonishment "how has it been a year" comment. The days pass and we keep going and doing our best. For us and our other halves.

    I hope his Anniversary is as ok as at can be I'm sure there will be lots of memories which will make you cry and some to make you smile. 

    We must believe we are making progress and learning to live with the emptiness and loneliness. 

    Sending you a hug

    • Ruby diamond x