6 months since he’s passed 12 months since he was diagnosed

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Morning All, 

Not posted in a few weeks, For all the new newly bereaved  that have joined this group I am so sorry for your loss and I hope this group gives you some strength it has with me and many others. 

Its coming up to 12 mths when my man was diagnosed and at the end of the month 6 mths since he passed. I thought I was getting stronger

I have had a few of the firsts eg... his birthday our Anniversary when we first started going out and I was dreading them days leading upto them but some how it wasn’t as bad has I thought it would of been. This month though I have really suffered I keep reliving last year how everything was normal until our lives got turned upside down out the blue with the diagnosis I am re reading our texts from last year just normal loving texts or funny ones. I treasure them I have been broken heart reading them from the beginning of this month because we was leading a normal life  and never thought what we was about to be hit with. Some of the texts seem so strange now reading them the other day I read a text from him saying this time last year. Morning babe hope your enjoying your day off I didn’t wake you because you looked so peaceful then he put I got upset this morning I was looking at you sleeping thinking I love this woman with all my heart if anything happened to her I’d die of a broken heart. I’d had similar texts leading up to this month they wasn’t morbid although they may sound like that he was just expressing is love he woke me one night saying he dreamt I’d passed and he was so upset and I started laughing saying oh I’m going nowhere it was a dream and yet look how things turned out I’m now wondering did he have a feeling but then I think no he knew he didn’t feel right but he’d never of thought that what he was dealt with but I keep looking back lately about our conversation or even texts and all I seem to remember lately is him saying babe I love you so much if I ever lost you I’d die of a broken heart or imagine if something happened to the other one we couldn’t cope we are far to into each other and love each other so much

my head gets full of all sorts now thinking did he have some sort of premonition and that was his sort of way of telling me then I think no he can’t off but our last conversation the night before he was diagnosed we was sitting cuddling on the couch and he turned to me and said you are more mentally strong then me and I love the bones of you if anything ever happened to you I couldn’t go on but you must if anything ever happens to me because soon has I get up there I will be right by your side again then he made me promis to try and carry on with life if anything ever happened to him he said I’d want you to be happy but I don’t want you to meet anyone then he laughed. How weird was that conversation we had and why am I just remembering these moments now instead off picking up on them when he was here 

Im so sorry for rambling on just feeling so emotional this month I keep going back to this time last year when life was normal till it was turned upside down as I have said in my previous posts I started grieving the day he was diagnosed I lost my man then because the illness turned him into a man I didn’t know from such a loving man to one that tried to push me away I know the reasons why he did that he thought it would help me in the aftermath but he was so wrong 

love to you all Jane x

  • Hi Jane,

    Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us.

    I suppose you will never know whether your man had a feeling that something was going to happen to him or not. But it certainly sounds like he was a very sensitive man, like my Paul was, and I therefore think that perhaps, and without knowing it himself consciously, he did feel that something was about to happen. I think many people do know something when the end is not too far away.

    I can understand that you are reading back over old texts and remembering the times up to the point when everything was still okay. I am going through times like that too. Particularly in the first year I did, when I could look back and say, "Oh last year, when we didn't even know what was going to happen, we were so happy or we did this and that". And even now when I am looking at my Facebook memories every day and see something pop up from two or three or four years ago it makes me so sad and I think: Why oh why was our time together so very short?!

    Love and hugs


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Jane,

    I think it is kind of normal to think "this time last year" a lot, especially in the first year of bereavement,  

    I too was upset this morning stemming from a call from bereavement support yesterday. She felt I was doing okay and that she will not be arranging a session next month.  I was under the impression they would see me through the first year, I am 10 months in. I must admit I felt abandoned at first. However, I have calmed down now as I know I can approach the hospice should I need to.

    I am finding that I am thinking about "this time last year" a lot lately.

    This time last year, my husband and I went on our last holiday with family and friends. Like Mel I am getting daily FB memories of this time last year. Some I find comforting and on some later posts, it hits me that he is not in the pictures anymore which he would have been in otherwise.

    When we went on our holiday we knew it would be our last. Sometimes, I write poems to process my feelings and  I had just finished writing a poem about the stormy night we had on holiday yesterday. So, it was definitely on my mind!

    Upon our return he was dying and all my husband could think was of was me and how I would cope. He did not want me to be alone when he died (which I was not).  On a lighter note, we managed to go to a pub one afternoon and he asked me with a cheeky smile on his face whether I was looking at a dating website as I was looking at my phone (of course I was not).

    Going back to the call, you can see why the timing was not great. I am okay overall but I am still grieving and it does not take much to get upset when you are missing your loved one.  Saying that I thankful that you shared as it has got me to share too - there is always someone here that listens.

    With lots of love and take care,

    Dutsie Xx

  • Hi Jane 

    After losing my soul mate and wife of 50yrs,  my darling  Anne three months ago,  I too thought I was getting stronger - but NO!  I've just got back from visiting a friend of ours at the static caravan site where Anne and I had a van for over 20yrs. I recently gave the van up - too many memories. And now our plot is bare after the van was towed off: like we were never there. I woke up this morning to see the sun rise over the corn field Anne so loved to see from our caravan window and this came to mind. " We create love in this world  only to be rewarded with a broken heart."  As I saw this beautiful scene come to life another thought entered my head. " The process governing this illusory beautiful scene is all about predatory behaviour. Plants competing with other plants for space and earthly nutrients. Insects eating insects. Birds eating insects. Birds killing and eating other birds. Animals eating birds. Animals killing and eating animals. Humans killing animals. Humans killing each other. ALL in the name of survival and the procreation of their own species. Even the rogue cancerous cells that killed Anne's body were only trying to survive - and  at the expense of her life. "  We give our heart, soul and spirit into loving some one with all our very being  only to become broken hearted at the gross cruelty of a system that cares nothing for anybody. If for goodness sake there is ever such a thing as reincarnation I have no wish to return to this life. After losing my soul mate three months ago I've become NO stronger!  Just wiser. 

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Evening all 

    Thank you so much for your beautiful heartfelt replies. It’s just so painful isn’t it and soon we will have the dreaded Xmas to deal with. I still keep thinking someone is going to wake me up. We seem to go through every possible emotion daily. I was looking back at some of my post earlier wen he first passed. Omg the anger and revenge I wanted for his wife was screaming out from me then I decided to meet her I must of been so emotionally unstable then I suppose I wanted answers and why she acted so cold and callus towards him. I now tbh have a different view on her from the way I hated and yes I know that’s a strong word I truly did I no longer feel that towards her we speak weekly now she asks how I am doing and we smile at things we remember about him. I suppose that’s a good thing now I just wish she was like that when he was alive instead of putting him through it. She did admit to me she was feeling extremely guilty for how she behaved when he was diagnosed but she just had tunnel vision and she was going to get what she was entitled to and didn't care about his feelings. I think that takes a lot to admit also. 

    Geoff if we all have to come back down again if there is reincarnation then I don’t want to either but if we have to I hope to God I go first couldn’t cope dealing with this pain again 

    love to you all Jane x