<Moving Forward But Not Liking It

  • 12 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi all,

I would like to start with a warning: I am writing this after three gin and tonics.

Since my brother left on Tuesday, I have been feeling very different from before. I have done a lot of work in the clinic and I have met up with friends and I have actually never had a minute to myself until, this evening, I finally decided to sit down and watch a movie on Netflix all by myself.

At first I felt weird. I didn't know what was happening to me. Honestly, for two days I even thought that I hadn't taken my anti-depressant abnd that that was the reason for my weird feelings. But then I realised that this is feeling "normal", feeling okay about life as it is now. It is not the life I would have chosen for myself, I still want Paul here with me, and I still can get very sad when I realise that not only is he not here with me now but he wuill never come back; but in a strange way that has become my new reality and I am functioning within this new reality and in a way I am even enjoying it.

Does anyone else here have the same experience?

It's not like I am forgetting Paul and what he was and still is to me. But the realisation is very clear now that he is no longer here with me and that I have a choice: either I am going to live the rest of my life in misery wishing that he was still here, which is never going to be true, or else I start living again.

Love, Mel.

  • Hi Mel 

    I understand what you are saying. In the early days I came on this site 3-4 times a day, every day. Then it was a little less, sometimes now it’s a few days before I check in & everytime I do I am struck by how many other people have joined us here since that time & can recognise so much of their raw grief I felt in the early days. It makes me see although my feelings havent changed I have quietly made some progress in accepting the situation I am in now. 

    I think that’s what we may be beginning to experience - acceptance, whether we like it or not & with that the realisation that we have a choice- either to give up on the lives we have now or to make a go of it best we can. 

    I still miss my husband dreadfully. I still dream about him, I still feel so angry for all that he is missing & like you, I don’t want to meet someone to “replace” him, that just isn’t possible. I still love him wholeheartedly & consider myself still married to him.

    But for the first time today I thought maybe I do need to join a group where I am just Sarah, not Steve’s wife. Not Steve’s widow, just me...... it’s scary, I feel safe with those who know. It keeps him alive, though others are less keen now to talk about him they at least know he existed- new people don’t, they will only know me as I am now. 

    But what choice is there? We have to go forward & I think my Steve would want that for me too. 

    Love Sarah xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah2nd

    Hello Sarah and Mel

    Mel, it was strange that I saw your post about 'Moving forward.....' as I was thinking of starting a new discussion 'Life goes on' expressing similar feelings. It is just 4 months since John died, and I can't  say I feel any better, and ,ike you Sarah, I feel so angry and sad that he isn't here, he was just 65 and we should have grown old together.  He did so much for me and every day I think  'John would have done that for me', and 'How do I do that?' and I keep realising how much he cared for me and did so much to make me happy. So I still feel lost and scared as I contemplate my life without him, but I know I have to get on with it because I have no choice. And he told me that he wanted me to have a life without him, so I am trying, and people tell me it will get easier, but I don't  think John realised how big a hole he would leave,  because he was a quiet and modest man and never considered  himself to be anything special.  But as you said Sarah and Mel, we either give up, or we try to move forward. We know life will never be the same again - how can it be, when half of us is missing? - but maybe in time the pain will become less, and we may learn to live a new 'normal' life, as our partners would have wanted us to.

    Love to all
