
  • 20 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Feel so low and have no energy or motivation in life .i miss my wife so much and just wish i could be with her x

  • FormerMember

    So sorry you feel  this way remember you've been through so many physical and emotional highs and lows. Do what's essential leave the rest and look after yourself. Remember  Macmillan are still there for us and doctors. There are huge ups and downs. There aren't words but we've all felt this pain too 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I just wish i was dead so could be with my wife again x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Please can I urge you to speak to someone I understand how painful this is how would your friends and family feel. X 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dont have any family or friends just my cat xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    We're here to offer support but I can only go so far there is further groups that can be there for you please consider these. It's very difficult and raw talk to someone please.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Peter my name is Ian and I'm one of the online community champions and I've just picked up your posts. I'm sorry to hear of the passing of your wife and how much you miss her which is a part of the grieving process you are going through at the moment.

    It must be hard for you not having any family or friends to speak to and I would like to suggest to you that you might find some comfort in speaking to the Samaritans tonight and just talk and let everything out, it's all anonymous and you just need to call yourself by Peter or any name you want to use. The people who answer your call will be very sympathetic to you and let you talk and talk 

    Please for me call this number  

    116 123

    Tonight and speak to someone who will understand what you are going through.

    The call is free and it really it is anonymous I'm sure you will feel better for making the call as keeping everything bottled up is not doing you any good.

    Come back and let me know you made the call and how you got on.


  • Hello letsgochamp my husbands name was also peter and I miss him so much.  Coming up to six years now.  He had lung cancer.  So cruel.  We were so happy together.  I am so sorry for your loss, please accept my condolences.  Someone obviously thought you or your wife was a champ.  Was it you, or your wife?  What would she want for you now..  she wouldn’t want you to be so stressed and down.  Obviously you are going to be down, that is grief but given time it will ease.  Take a day, or an hour, or a minute at a time and you will get through this.  I can’t pretend it is easy, but if you are the champ or even if your wife was the champ, you can do this for her. Love Dolly xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to likido

    My wife was the champ but i guess we both where we use to say lets go champ when times got really tough .she was everything i have got in touch with some organiaations and my gp sees me weekly .i have mental health issues as well and change triggers it and this ia a masaive change i have one person whos staying with me for a while but i had my daighter taken by the courts just because of the messed up system and then after getting ovee that i lost my wife she passed away infront of me and after she passed away i got in hee bed and cuddled her for an hour n half before the funeral ppl came for her im just finding it so so so hard to even wake up in morning and all i have is my cat .my wife passed in feb this year. Im sorry for your loss dolly sending hugs x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks ian x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Peter, I also have been feeling similar to you in that I just wanted to join my partner in death. These feelings have gradually lost their acute, intensity for me within the last week. I truly feel that this is due to me being prescribed antidepressants. A lower dosage prescribed 6 weeks ago made no difference to my state of mind so GP increased my dose and seems to work. I had always been scared of taking antidepressants until now. The only draw back that I have felt has been the side effects while the medication is settling in. I`m telling you this Peter, because I don't want anyone to feel as I have felt over the last few months and this medication may well help you to feel that you have some semblance of a life back as it has done for me.  It hasn't taken away the grief but it has `taken the edge off it` Best wishes Peter, my thoughts are with you.   Maybeline