Feeling destroyed.

  • 6 replies
  • 24 subscribers

After almost 17 months since i lost my lovely partner Davy I decided yesterday that I was feeling strong enough to finally clear his clothes from our wardrobe, not to throw them away but to pack them in suitcases and put them in the loft, I was working my way through them when i came across a birthday card he had written out for me and now i feel totally destroyed, in it he has written that he knew he was feeling unwell but did not know why but he had a feeling it was bad. He apologized as he had a feeling that we were not going to grow old together as planned but also thanked me for the perfect 16 years we had together and the love he felt for me was the love he had searched for all of his life, I,m so devastated that my poor lovely man had known that he had something that he knew he was not going to get better from and kept it to himself until he eventually could,nt. He has also written that he wants me to go on and live my life as the strong loving person that he knows i am,oh my god if only he could see the mess of a person i an since he went away!!! As well as the card some of his clothes he had still have labels on and its killing me the fact he never got a chance to wear them, I am such a mess today and I,m sorry for the long post but i can only say these things here as i feel people in my life would not understand as after 17 months some people just expect you to have moved on dont they? Whatever you are all going through i,m thinking of you all and hope you can find a little bit of peace in your hearts. 

Linda xx

  • FormerMember
    Its good that you can come here and say how your feeling because although we each deal with our grieve in different ways we are more likely to understand than someone who hasn’t experienced the loss of their spouse. I think its lovely that you found a card that your husband had written to you maybe he found that easier than telling you himself people so often find it difficult to talk about death.
    My husband was the opposite of yours when he was diagnosed in January with terminal cancer he talked about it.  He planned his own funeral and told me he wanted it to be a celebration of his life and that he didn’t want people to mourn him but to  be thankful he had lived and that they had known each other. I cant say I’m completely  successful in not mourning him but I’m trying and take each day as it comes.
    I appreciate how devastating finding a card like that must have been but  I sincerely hope that in time you will be able to  try to do what he said wanted you to do a little at a time. xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    It's strange how they deal with diagnosis and illness so differently. 

    Don't ever reproach yourself for how you deal with your grief it's your relationship and your experience and it may not be the way your ready for looking at things yet but it is a good thing you found this. Some people hope for these last items. 

    You have a clear indication of the thoughts and feelings treasure that. Everyone takes stages at their own pace. Look after yourselves xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm sorry to butt into this thread but I needed to get a message to .

    Thanks for doing what you've been doing this afternoon to Letsgochamp I've  made a response and suggested he contacts the Samaritans tonight and also contacted the site moderators as a safeguarding issue hopefully he will make the call.

    Again thanks for trying to help.

    again my apologies for hijacking this and I hope you will appreciated with I needed to take this action.

    Many thanks 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Glad for support in this area

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you so much for your kind reply, I,m just so emotional right now, i,m sorry we all find ourselves here. I hope only good things happen to everyone. Take care.

    Linda xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Nore,  One day I truly hope i will be able to do what he wishes for me but not yet. Your husband sounds like he was a very sensible and wise man and I hope you gained strength and comfort from that, Take care.

    Linda xx