nearly a year

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  • 24 subscribers

on the 11th of may 2018 my husband who had been battling cancer for 3 years took a turn for the worst and that was the beginning of what was to be a very hard week. I had promised him he wouldn't have to go into the hospital so I cared for him in our home that we had shared for nearly 35 years of marriage. During that week he never woke up and passed away on the 18th peacefully. Now one year on I am reliving that week all over again. I keep thinking this day this time last year what was going on only its like I'm reliving it in slow motion and it feels like a physical pain in my heart. I cant sleep because I cant shut off my thoughts. Can anyone who has been through the first year let me know how they r doing now , does the pain ease a little in the second year because at time point I just feel so lonely for my husband and cant see it getting any better.

. Mary

  • FormerMember

    Dear Mary,

    You are not alone, I lost my George April 11, 2018 and the first anniversary of his passing was so very hard. He also wanted to be at home and that is what we did. It is hard to relive that moment and to feel the pain of loss. the next event was his birthday April 23 and then our anniversary May 8th.  Three big bumps in the road all close together.  I still miss him but during the last week the extreme grief started to ease. I stay busy, keep the wonderful good , funny  memories with George and stay close to my friends and family.

    I am better today and hope to be even better tomorrow. George would have wanted it that way.  That is really how I manage, thinking of what he would tell me to do.  His favorite saying from the early marriage to the end 40 years later  "I will miss you when I am gone." 

    Mary, hang in there and and think of what your husband would want for you.

