Family times are tough

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I just wanted to share my thoughts that family times like this Easter weekend are tough. I miss my wife Margi so much and this is the first Easter without her.

What I'm slowly becoming aware of is that everyone in the family has different ways of dealing with their grief. her brother and sisters are finding it very hard. My son wants to remember my wife/his mum over the Easter weekend and remember all the daft things like Easter egg hunts when they were little, and my daughter has asked if we can not talk about mum on Easter sunday as her grief is too raw.

My first instinct is to tell them all that we have to get on with the new normal and just do what comes to mind without planning.

I know somehow I'll reconcile the demands of everyone. Probably my son and I will have a limoncello and without words we'll be toasting Margi.

My daughter will feel better for a big hug from her daft dad and that will be a silent memory of Margi.

So we will cope and Margi's siblings who can will talk about Margi and the ones who can't will silently remember her.

I'm just glad that I'll be with my children (they're both nearly 30 but still my children).

This isn't a moan just letting people in a similar position know they're not alone

Thinking of all of you. Try and have a happy Easter holiday weekend and remember the good times and fond memories and be grateful we had them.

I'm crying while I write this but not sure if it's sadness for my loss of my best friend and lover or some tears of happiness that I'm holding the family together.




  • FormerMember

    Thankyou Ian 

    Just got to do what we can for our families. Shame no one's  asked what you want. Glad you have them with you. Sounds like you're doing all you can x