3 months today

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi everyone

Hows everyone doing its 3 months today since my Husband passed and i dont no where time as gone.

Sometimes it seems like yesterday and other times it seems a long time ago. I sometimes think did this really happen did we really have a Funeral it seems a blur.

I was woundering how others are coping.

Take care Mary59

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mary,so sorry about your husband.Its seven months on Friday for my husbandAan,I’m beginning to wonder how seven months could go so quickly.I think we all go through different feelings,I will have what I will call a normal day then just out of the blue I’m crying again.but by reading some of the messages on here it seems it happens to us all.Im just taking one day at a time and trying to build a new routine and carry on.But it’s nice to know there are so many people on this site who will listen and try and help.Was Down day on Friday as my husbands headstone went up and it just seemed to finalise everything,I never knew a person could go through so many different emotions,I really hope you have some better days,and have plenty of support....Take care.Val.

  • FormerMember

    Hi. I know what you mean about the feeling of did it really happen. My wife died last October and it still seams surreal. I keep myself busy so time does pass quite quickly.

    The positive thing for me is that the happy memories are starting to take over from the sad memories when she was so ill towards the end.

    You're in my thoughts.

    Take care

    Ian 42