Sending hugs

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Sending hugs to all struggling today.

One year ago today my best friend , husband and father to our 3 children passed away because of this dam illness.

Now it's his 1st Anniversary on Mother's Day. 

I feel so empty, broken, alone but I'm surrounded by our 3 children who have plans for the whole day, just for me. I couldn't love them more, but all I want is my husband to walk through the door.

One foot in front of the other, is my Moto and I will smile and cry if I need to.

Broken heartBroken heartBroken heartBroken heart

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ruby Diamond

    Hope your family surrounds you with love xxx

  • Thank you.

    They day passed, we missed Rob and spoke about him.

    Not one member of my husband's family reached out to us .I find that in acceptable. But don't want to become bitter. Not sure why I thought his anniversary would be any different, they haven't spoken to us since his funeral on 9th April. 

    We are better off without them, but they are my husband's family and it's so sad my children have lost that link to their Dad.


    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    Hello Ruby, I can understand how your feeling I lost my husband Alan Seven months ago.and since the funeral not one of his brothers have been to see me,they all live within walking distance five to ten minuets away.And like yourself I don’t want to become bitter and my children are all grown up but they seemed to have lost that extended family.Im trying not to let it get to me and it’s them who are losing out on the family connections.Best wishes Val..x

  • Ah Ruby 

    How I wish I could give you a hug!

    It is very disappointing that Robs family were not able to do the right thing by you all & get in touch. Says a lot about them & is inexcusable. It has however completely freed you up to live your lives however you want to without in anyway having to consider them. Small consolation but it’s true. 

    Can you get away for a break at all? It would be nice to have something nice to look forward to when you can face it. I’ve a feeling your Rob would approve & want that for you & your family too. 

    Well done for getting through a truly awful day. Hope you can find some peace in the coming days & that it gets a little  easier to bear once more. 

    Much love to you 

    Sarah xx