Son died 4 years ago almost to the hour

  • 2 replies
  • 11 subscribers

My amazing son died four years ago today at 10.45 pm from stomach cancer, at the young age of 40. About a year ago a kind mother on here, whose son was dying of cancer of Unknown Origin, kindly sent me a picture of a bunch of spring flowers that she had bought herself, They inspired me to make a little bulb garden of my own which I planted last autumn. Now the flowers are starting to come out - snowdrops and dwarf irises so far and hyacinths with fat promising looking buds. I can look at it from my kitchen window. Gardens keep you looking forwards I find.

  • Hello Ma78

    I am sorry to hear that you lost your son 4 years ago at a young age. What a lovely thought from the other lady who you came to know through Macmillan. 

    I know what you mean about the garden. I also find the changing of the seasons and the flowers coming up in early Spring a comfort. Many years ago when my own Father was unwell we hoped that he would last until he saw the daffodils come up at home- he did and every year at this time we think of him. It sort of brings some hope and is naturally a time of reflection. We think about him often, remember the happier times and also reflect on the things that he has not been here to see. 

    This year I have planted many different bulbs in my garden and they are just starting to pop up. I have some daffodils that are just starting to bud. Your snowdrops, irises sound lovely. Fingers crossed that the hyacinths also do well. 

    I know that anniversaries can at times bring up memories and if you feel like you need to talk to someone, please do give the Support Line a call. 



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