I lost my Mum yesterday

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My Mum passed away in the early hours of yesterday morning. She was being cared for at our local hospice. I saw her every day during the last few weeks/months and it has been really difficult to see her health decline on a daily basis. My Dad passed away just over 10 years ago to cancer also and since then I have done an awful lot to support my Mum in so many ways. It’s been such a rollercoaster and I feel a weird sense of calm right now. I know reality will catch up with me. I have been on autopilot for so long but for now, I am mostly at peace. Mum was so poorly and I cannot wish her back in that way. I just wish I could rewind to a time before cancer came along and destroyed everything. I suppose a part of me is relieved - relieved that Mum is no longer in pain and relieved that I can now have a little bit of space and time. There is so much to do and think about but none of that is urgent - not compared to the past few months. My phone had been going crazy with calls regarding appointments and arrangements for Mum, my head was in a whirl with it all, I was still working throughout and all the time trying to keep some sense of normality. I have only ever tried to support my Mum and do the best for her and she knew that. I cannot believe the last few months have happened really.  The hospice offer a variety of bereavement support and I will certainly make use of it. I have a call this week via my GP for wellbeing support so will keep that too - it’s actually very timely I think. Much love to you all. 

  • I’m so sorry to hear of your mum passing. Sending love and support to you. Your post really relates to me, my mum has cancer, a brain tumour, and we have been told this is the last few weeks, it’s almost been two years since the first diagnosis and it’s been a complete roller coaster. I’m stuck in a place of feeling like I already lost my mum two years ago, but knowing she’s still here and getting to make memories with her is so special. But I also feel like how much she has deteriorated recently is so hard to watch, I feel like her quality of life is just not good and I just feel stuck in limbo. Trying to get on with life but also knowing soon it will be a life where my mum isn’t here, I go through days of feeling like I just want it to happen so she can be at peace and so that we can move forward and have a path to peace moving forward, instead of waiting for the most horrible thing to happen, but then on another hand I just don’t want my mum to die, I don’t want her to go. I can’t imagine her not being here. My heart breaks every day but I also feel numb to it and just want to find some normality. 

    I really feel like your post has made me feel like my feelings are normal and I hope you can find peace and happiness moving forward too. Thinking of you and your family Heart️

  • Thank you for your reply. I felt weird about posting as I know that everyone has so many feelings throughout this journey. My work colleagues think I am probably numb right now and I do agree with that. But - at the same time, there is certainly an element of relief. It’s so hard to watch someone you love go through this and perhaps the way I am feeling is a coping mechanism. I have a wellbeing call booked this week and I think it will be useful to talk. Sometimes saying things out loud can help I think. In a strange way, I am ‘pleased’ that I have helped you. I really believe it’s good to be honest about how we feel. In the past I have kept things bottled up and that didn’t work for me! Today I managed to make an appointment to meet the funeral director. I have been taking things one day at a time for so long and it seems that this is still a useful way to be! Perhaps it’s just too scary to look any further forward than tomorrow or the next day. Take good care and private message me if you think it would help xxx