Is it normal to still not have fully grieved after 7 years ?

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers
  • Hi I’m Lena I’m 22 years old I lost my dad to lung and kidney cancer when I was just 15 , I feel like as times going on and I’m getting older it’s started to hit me more, I think being 15 yes I was upset and I did understand the concept of what had happened however I feel like I brushed off as I had exams in school so my mind was occupied, but now I seem to find myself thinking about it a lot more , i also feel like I’m starting to feel angry at the hospital as there were so many missed opportunities to find out what it was and try to cure it however by they found it it was already terminal,I also feel like it’s difficult talking to someone else about it if they haven’t experienced the same thing so I was wondering if there are any support groups ? 
  • Hello Lena,

    I’m so sorry hearing about your sadness, you lost your dad at a very young age and will have dealt with it the best you could at the time. You will benefit from connecting with other people who are there for the same purpose at a support group. Hopefully you had lots of support from family and friends at the time of your loss but often with grief people try and protect each other. This can stop those trying to heal from speaking openly about their loved one. 

    Reaching out on this forum will also help. There are plenty lovely people here who will listen and point you in the right direction. I’m not sure the area you live but if there is a Maggies Centre near you, they can find out where there is a support group - it might be that they offer this service. It’s a drop in, no appointment needed and it has such a serene atmosphere with the kettle always at the ready.

    Take care xx

  • Thank you for taking the time to read and respond, I will have a look in my area if there is any maggies , I feel like I held quite a lot of it in as I didn’t want to upset other people or show them that I was struggling but I did have a strong support system with my family and still do I just don’t like openly admitting to them that I’m still not okay with what happened x