my dad

  • 3 replies
  • 17 subscribers

im 21, my dad got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January and died in may. I just don't know what someone is supposed to do when they had this intense support that is suddenly ripped away. the safety net that I had in life is gone and everything feels so empty and terrifying. everyone says I'm handling it really well but I feel like I just haven't accepted it fully yet. at the end of the day. I just miss him.

  • Hi, my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in march and died on June 18th. I know how you feel. It’s painful. X

  • Hiya

    i lost my dad 3 weeks ago. I can only sympathise with you, the feelings have been so intense. I still can’t believe he’s gone- I hope it gets easier for us xx

  • I too lost my Dad on 3rd August to lung cancer. I feel heartbroken and miss him like crazy but I couldn’t have seen him continue as he was. I went to see him at the chapel of rest today I was upset but his face was free of anguish and pain which gave me peace. I am determined to live my life as my Dad lived his prior to the cancer what more can I do for him and to honour his memory.

    Best wishes to you all I hope you can find some peace    and a way of dealing with the heartbreak.